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6 months later...

"I like this lil spot, it's nice."

I'm giddy as fuck that we're movin' into a new apartment togetha'. From up hea', we can see the view of the city.

"Ooo, Angel, I can't wait until I decorate this place!"

We're still in Atlanta, attending school near these apartments. Afta' what happened in Texas, I don't think that we could eva' both go back to that school again, even though they said it was okay fa' us to come back.

This was a fresh new start.

I was bouncing on the balls of my feet while tugging his arm. "Ain't this nice, Angel?" A frown came to my face when I noticed his dead expression. "You gotta match my energy!"

He gives me a sarcastic smile with his mean ass. He kno' good and damn well that he's happy.

"Smile. We in our new apartment."

I pulled his arm until he's closer to me. He act like he didn't want to touch me. "Quit acting like you in one of yo moods. You was just all smiles earlier while talkin' about the apartment with me, bipolar ass."

Just as he said six months ago, he's getting help. Thea' has been improvement, but he still has his moments and he usually realizes when he does it which is good.

He pulls me into him while wrapping his arms around my waist. His face dipped in between my neck to leave kisses thea'.

"No, we should start unpacking," I told him.

"I was just playin', Maurice."

I rolled my eyes. "We don't got all day, let's just go ahead and unpack."

I pushed his hands offa' me so I could go back outside to start getting my things.

I didn't get very far when he grabbed my wrist. "Where you goin'?"

"Outside like I said."

He smacks his lips. "Chill on the attitude when I was just playin'." Thea' was a sign of chuckle in his voice. "Of course I'm happy about us movin' into our new place."

I couldn't help but to smile. "See, I knew you was. You try to get a reaction outta me—"

I let out a small gasp when he pushes me back against the kitchen counter and begin to take off my shoes and then my joggers. "W-wait, Angel. What are you doin'? Already?"

"You talk too much, Maurice. The fuck I tell you about when you keep on questioning me?"

As much as I wanted to softly moan, I held it togetha'. I'm not goin' to already fold this badly this afta'noon.

I thought I was doin' good until he harshly smacks my thigh seconds later. Then his hand tightly grips my neck. "Angel," I moaned.

He hungrily pressed his lips against mine. His tongue licked ova' my bottom lip until I slightly opened it and that's when the pink muscle invaded into my mouth.

While we're making out, my hands tugged on the bottom of his shirt to get it off. He helps me, quickly separating away from me so he could get it off. The shirt then gets thrown befo' we start back up again.

Both of our erections was pressed up against each otha' as he's in between my legs.

I was the one to separate from Angel's lips to lay my back down on the counter. His fingers hooked in my boxers to slip them off and that's when my dick immediately shot up like a rocket.

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