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"Please," Maurice pleaded.

I was frozen in place with my hands out, hoping that he won't shoot us.


My eyes squeezed shut, expecting for him to already kill us but I didn't feel nothing.

When I opened my eyes, I seen that Maurice has the same confused expression as me. We both look back over at the old man. His attention was behind us causing us to turn around and seen a dead coyote.

"Damn coyotes be everywhere."

I put my hand over my heart to slow my rapid heartbeat down.

"Shit," I breathed in relief.

I put both of my hands on top of my head as I was still tryna get myself to calm down.

I for real thought that he was going to kill us.

"I think I done pissed myself," Maurice mumbled.

If we wasn't so still in shock, I would have laughed.

"Coulda' at least gave us a warning," I said.

"You both would have panicked if I told you a damn coyote was behind y'all."

"Well you scared us anyways by aiming a fucking shotgun at us," my best friend shakily breathed.

"Your names is Angel and Maurice, right? I've been seeing your faces everywhere on the news."

I nodded my head.

"It's not safe to be out here, anybody can spot y'all. Follow me."

This could all be setup as we are both hesitant to go. "Why should we trust you?"

"Just follow me," he said. "It's either follow me or somebody report that y'all out here."

Sighing, I look over at Maurice who also seemed unsure but we just go anyway.

There was so much land surrounding his house that stood by itself.

We followed him to his house where he goes to put his shotgun up in his closet before locking it up. He goes into the kitchen.

"Have a seat." The kitchen smelled like food that I couldn't really make out what it is. He goes to his stove.

"Who the fuck is you, man?" I asked, both of us taking a seat at the table.

This guy still wasn't telling us anything. We are just in a random old man's house. I'm all out of place considering how old this house looks.

He just ignored me and goes to continue to stir whatever is cooking on the stove.

Maurice was just sitting at the table, rocking himself. He appeared to be shakin' in fear, so I just put my hand on his thigh.

"Looks like you two haven't ate much these last few days." He turns around and goes to put down two bowls in front of us.

I looked down at it and it's some stew.

I gave him a strange look. "Who are you and why are you doin' this? Would you have called the cops like any otha' person woulda done?"

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