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My heart repeatedly pounded against my chest from the moment. My eyes was closed during the whole thing- expecting to crash, but we never did. Well, we almost did that is. I looked over at Angel who had hit his head on the steering wheel causing the car to honk.

So we didn't necessarily crash into nothing too major. Angel abruptly hit his foot on the brakes as hard as he could so he could stop the car from crashing into a tree once we were on the side of the road.

After some time on tryna to process everything, I went to shake him. "Angel?"

I go to call his name a few times until he finally picked his head from off the wheel. "What the fuck?"

He looks around and it's as if realization hit him. He looks over at me and has this concerned look written on his face. "You aight? You ain't hurt are you?"

"I'm fine. I think I should be asking you that. You hit yo head like a motherfucka' on that wheel."

"I'm good."

It gets quiet for a few moments before he decides to speak up. "Thank God we didn't crash. I should have paid better attention instead of bitchin'. Damn, this shit my fault."

"Nah, it isn't. There was a fucking deer on the road. Nun you could have done about it."

He sighs and only shakes his head. "I guess... But we gotta keep on moving. No telling if anyone who saw called the police or some shit."

He goes to back out until we are back on the road. I real life thought that we were going to crash and it would have been the end of our journey right there. Too much of a close call.

For hours we don't say anything as he drove. I sat back in the seat bored out of my mind as my head rested against the window, watching the sunset from a distance.

To make the gloomy mood worse, rain droplets started to fall, causing Angel to turn on the windshield wipers.

"Just our luck," he muttered.

More of the heavy droplets began to fall the more we drove.

"I can't do this shit. I can barely see," Angel says once it really began to rain hard to the point we could barely see where we were going. "We gotta have some money left to stay somewhere, right?"

I pulled out the cash that was in my pocket and began to count. "Yeah, there's barely enough."

I groaned, knowing that it would take most of the money but it isn't safe to stay out here and risk driving in no rain. We already went through a lot these couple of days, besides I feel dirty as hell. The only proper hygiene is buying some deodorant in some store and brushing our teethes in some nasty ass gas station bathroom.

Other than that, it's been a while since we both took showers.

"The next motel won't be until a few more miles."

I laid back into my seat just wanting to get to a motel. I never thought I would be saying that shit.

Angel soon pulls off on the nearest exit where the motel was at.

I was hoping I wouldn't bust my ass in this rain as we made a quick jog to the front.

With the little money we had, we spent some of it on a motel. The worst part is that it's raining like hell.

The clerk gave us a weird look and I was hoping she didn't notice it's us. After some time, she eventually handed Angel over the key.

He took and we went back outside and went to the room number that was attached to the key. We have to come up with something before we leave this place.

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