Chapter 1

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He looked on to the Chunnin hopefulls that stood at attention in front of him, his old weary eyes roamed their forms.

His brown eyes rested for a second longer on the orange menace that was his surugate grandson, who had passed this test by sheer luck.

He looked on as Mitariashi Anko held a box for each participant. As they took out pieces of paper to determine their matchups.

"Ok Maggots, call out your numbers so we can take care of your matchups."-the special Jonnin called.

"1."-came a lazy drawl from the Nara heir.

"2"-Neji said.

"3"-the dead monotone from Garaa informed.

"4"-said the leader of team 7 in place of his raven haired student.

"5"-informed the blonde Uzumaki.

"6"-the Konouichi from Suna said.

"7"-said the Aburame.

"8"-called the last Suna Geninn.

The Sandaime Hokage walked forward and stared at them with his grandfatherly visage. "A month from now you'll face eachother in battle only the arena will be different, I wish you all the best of luck. My only advice his train hard and smart."

The group left the tower and forest adjacent to it through an underground tunnel.

Naruto was excited as all hell as he walked as calmly as he could through the hospital in search of his Sensei.

He had made it he was even closer to being a Chunnin then Hokage. Now he just had to ask Kakashi-sensei and he would train him to kick some ass.

He found his teacher outside what had to be the teme's door, walking closer to him.

"Hey Sensei."-he greeted with his foxy grin.

The white haired Jonnin turned to his charge he hated himself for what he was about to do, he wanted to teach his sensei's son, but he had to take care of Sasuke and make sure that mark didn't act up.

But he would have to make it up to Naruto and Sakura for this. Big Time!

"Naruto I already know what you are about to ask, and I can't train you for the month. I have to take care of Sasuke, and make sure he's ready to take on Garaa and survive, you saw what he did to Lee."

"B-But Sensei.."-Naruto regained his temper he couldn't be mad, he had learned to listen to logic if just a bit.

"I'll make due then Sensei, you won't happen to have any advice."- he made his displeasure know anyhow, his face taking on a cold mask his usual bright blue eyes full of life, turned cold. His usual smile that was a normality in his face was gone his lips became a thin line.

Kakashi for a second though he was facing Minato-sensei again, Naruto's personality was a lot like his mother's but sometimes traits of his father showed through mainly when he was fighting and when learning the ninja arts.

He inwardly sighed and cringed when he heard the cold tone of voice. Well better make due with what he can an give advice to his other student.

"Well my advice to you Naruto is simple. Become a Chunnin through and through. Attitude, Power, Thinking and Strategies, show that in the exams and you'll achieve the rank. I won't tell you more."- he resumed. It was what his father had told him when he became a Chunnin and it worked for him, he just hoped it would help Naruto.

Naruto nodded and turned walking away, Kakashi watched as he turned the corner and continued on his trek, he sighed and in his lone eye one could see disappointment.

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