Chapter 4

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Hiruzen stared at Naruto in wonder as the boy relaxed after a heavier then usual spar, the boy was progressing well for his second week under him. But it was during this spar where he pushed the boy to his limits that he noticed something.

After a week of working with clones on stances and forms for the newly acquired staff, the boy had progressed well and was begining to show signs of maturity and strategy during their spars.

But during the one today and why it stood out was because when intuition steadily took over and emotion was replaced by intense focus, Naruto entered a state that made him seem like an entirely different person; savage in his effectiveness without actually becoming a savage.

It was somewhat eerie of just how much it reminded him of the few times in his youth when he spared against Madara Uchiha.

It was fascinating to the old Kage just how effective that state of Naruto became he had actually managed to hit him twice with his staff.

Now how to harness that and make it so that when Naruto entered battle he could slip into it and leave it after. He would need to think about it some more, but for now he would test the affinities of the boy.

Walking up to his new student the Hokage motioned for him to stand up, which he did, he gave the boy 2 slips of paper. One was completely blank while the other had a seal engraved on one side.

"The pieces of paper I gave you will help us determine your affinities. This one," He tapped the blank paper, "will tell what is or are your primary affinities. And the other one is a special seal I made that bypasses your main affinity and shows your secondary ones. Just push chakra into them and it will burn if it's Fire, Water and it'll get soggy, Earth and it'll crumble, Wind and it'll slice in half, and it will wrinkle if it's lighting."

Naruto followed the orders and watched as the first paper got drenched, a reaction the aged Sarutobi Hokage had only seen in his Sensei Tobirama Senju. Naruto pushed chakra into the second one and it got cut in two pieces one crumbled to dust in milliseconds and the other lit aflame.

Okay, Water as primary, earth, wind and fire as secondary, this boy could become a powerhouse of ninjutsu much like himself was.

"So Sensei what's the plan?"-Naruto asked.

He fished into his training gear and slipped out a scroll with the kanji for 'Earth'. "Naruto I will give you this scroll with 3 Earth Realese technique's and I want you to work on them on your free time so that when you come back tomorrow I can help you with them. You are dismissed."-as per the norm Naruto signalled his clones who started dispelling one by one every two minutes.

As he walked away he noticed he still had sometime before the sun set down and decided to go and surprise his Sensei by mastering all justu in the rest of the day, so he went to a nearby training ground noticing absently that it was the same as where he learned the Kage Bunshin.

Deciding to push himself to impress he called out "Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Multiple Shadow clones)" with it came forward about 600 clones already prepared for their task as each group of two hundred took to mastering one jutsu.

Deciding that he had pushed the issue long enough he calmly went to another side of the clearing and went through now familiar and signs from watching his teacher. Slowly making his work through them he finished and called out "Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)"

The world enveloped in smoke.

When he saw the world again he noticed he wasn't in his clone field clearing anymore he was now in a snowy mountain ground surrounded by wolves all of them were bigger than the usual one, the largest of them all and who looked to be the leader was as tall as himself as the others reached about is waist in height.

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