Chapter 7

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Kiba could honestly say that he had never seen Naruto this serious before, the blonde had them in a formation and it was working well, not just 'well', really fucking well.

They were tearing through the enemy forces with a vengeance, the combination was simple, but extremely effective whenever Shikamaru sent out his shadow to hold them still, he would use a Gatsuga to tear through them, if any of them got away they were easily deal with by Naruto and Choji.

So things were going well for them he could only hope it would work just as well for the rest of them in the Invasion.


Hiruzen almost scram in frustration after seeing his former student begin handseals as his shuriken flew his way, a small fireball took away his attention for a moment, but unfortunately that was all that Orochimaru needed, he smirked as he watched 3 coffins rise from the ground, their tops falling to the floor, showing his ex-student had managed to raise back from the dead the three remaining Hokage.

"Are you ready to see your precious village fall Sarutobi-sensei?"-the snake charmer asked mockingly.

"Saru is that you?"-the Nindaime spoke as he registered what was going on.

"It's good to see you again Sarutobi!"-Hashirama spoke the usual smile on his face.

"Sarutobi-sama, what's going on?"-the blonde Hokage looked towards the older men-" And why is Sodaime-sama and Nindaime-sama here?"

"Kukukuku Minato-kun it was me that summoned you, I can't think of anything better then the village being raised to the ground by their main founders."-he cackled madly.

"You goddamn brat!"-the Nindaime turned his head to snarl at Orochimaru as he placed a Kunai with a seal inside the body of the dead Hokage.

He placed two Kunai one on the first leader along with his brother but that was as far as he got beacause he suddenly felt his body being stabbed and a hand pressing on his chest.

Looking down he found the blue eyes of Minato Namikaze shining as he applied a seal on him.

The three Hokage jumped towards Sarutobi, but the reining Hokage jumped back further, intent to get away from his predecessors.

"Calm down Saru!"-Tobirama barked-"the young one used something to stop the control of the reanimation."

"I see!"-the aged Kage, walked towards the group and smirked alongside his fellow Kage, preparing to unleash hell on Orochimaru, who suddenly didn't feel as confident on his win.


Naruto ran through the village at breakneck pace, to the chakra signature he felt rise, he had ordered his classmates to join forces with Neji and continue working on the forces.

Arriving in a rooftop and looking towards Garaa he finally saw what his fellow container turned into, half of his body was covered in sand and he had a tail whipping about.

Seeing him jump forward towards something he looked to see where, when he looked his eyes went wide before pumping as much chakra as he could into his legs making his movements become a blur.

Appearing next to Garaa he spun in the air before kicking the Shukaku Jinchuriki in the face sending him into a wall, which fell on top of the red-head boy.

"Get away from them!"-he roared as he watched the sandy arm claw it's way out of the rouble.

Looking into his opponents blue eyes that scram fury, Garaa cackled as he answered. "Oh oh oh you finally showed up Uzumaki! I was waiting for you!"-his gold iris locked onto Ino's bright blue eyes-"You should have run away little girl, or were you counting on your brother to save you again."

Naruto's eyes widened at the information Garaa was spouting. "What are you talking about?"-the blonde girl asked in confusion.

"You don't know do you, Uzumaki there is your brother, I saw him reading a journal of sorts last night, and I should have know only one of you would be adopted. After all it's the fate of one of us to be hated."-he laughed again as Ino turned towards Naruto intent on getting answers.

"Naruto what-"-her question was stopped when he spoke a voice full of regret and pain-"Not now Ino! Get way from here I'll handle Garaa go get the civilians to the shelters!"-he ordered.

Both her and TenTen jumped away albeit hesitant to leave the blonde Shinobi to fight alone.

Naruto looked impassively towards Garaa, a small smile on his face as he looked towards the strongest foe he had ever faced.

He grabbed a Kunai with his left hand and twirled it around, his right hand took the shape of a claw and purple flames lit themselves on his fingertips.

Launching himself towards Garaa he sent his Kunai flying through the air aiming it at the red-head's head, Garaa turned his head around and dodged the incoming projectile with ease.

They neared eachother, and the Shukaku Jinchuriki brough his sand claw from above to his the blonde masked teen.

When he attacked he hit something sharp, before seeing a shadow cast above himself his golden eyes widened in surprise at the move the blonde Shinobi made.

Naruto brought his hand down on the open back of the Suna ninja, his fingers making contact with the back of the boy before he entoned the name of his technique. "Gokua Fuin (Five elements seal)".

The sand around the boy returned to the groud form from before. Naruto eye smiled seeing the boy had passed out. Creating a Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone), he had it take Garaa's form towards the ANBU dropout station.

Smiling to himself, he only had a second to react before unbearable pain that made him shout, took place in his right eye.

Jumping away and covering his eye with an hand he looked towards the person that wounded him, white hair, and pale green eyes, tow red dots on his forehead and a bone sword in his hand.

Yup he was dealing with a Kaguya here, how nice.

Dropping his hand and taking a stance with his Bo-Staff, he prepared to launch himself at the Kaguya.

Arriving near the enemy he attacked quickly and efficiently but no matter how quick nor how smooth his movements and thrusts were he found himself getting hit a lot more and if not for quick reactions and a couple clones he Kamiwari'ed (Substitution) with he would have found himself with one less arm or in one particular hard one his head.

A pained smile came to his visage as a plan formed in his mind, with one hand he grasped a smoke bomb from his back pouch and popped it on the ground.

"Konoha trash just come out so you may die al-"-before the older teen from the bone using clan could finish he felt something sharp hit his stomach and opened his mouth to grunt.

He shot out his hand and punched the blonde teen in the chest making the boy tumble backwards before he set himself on a stance one hand holding the staff behind him and another on the half ram seal.

"What do you think your doing?"-the pale boy questioned as he prepared to go again.

"Ending this!"-the younger teen exclaimed before pumping an incredible amount of chakra into the seal he was using.

The Kaguya was unprepared however when he felt heat come from within him before he exploded.

Naruto grimanced as he looked towards the remains of his opponent. He was sure as hell not capable of handling that alone, so he did the next best thing.

Using a roll of explosion tags amassed up in a nice little ball and into the stomach of the enemy. Makes one big gory boom.

He smiled tiredly as his exhaustion came to be he had used a lot of chakra in that last attack, and using the clone that fought Temari left him only with half his chakra supply so using his staff as balance he heard the cheers from the Konoha Shinobi forces.

Smiling behind his mask he fell forward hitting the ground his last concious though being 'Why is my hair turning white?'

Another chapter!

Hope you enjoyed it. If you have any ideas about the series be free to let me know.

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