Chapter 11

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Hanabi Hyuga wondered what her sister saw in the withe haired boy, so naturally as a curious child she took to following him one morning. She remembered asking her sister the night before what was special about him and her sister just blushed and clammed up, trying to stutter out something.

So she took to watching him the next day, with her byakugan it was child's play to watch him from a safe distance even if she couldn't see too far with the bloodline. So she watched as he walked down the street after coming from the direction of the Sarutobi compound and walked towards the old Uchiha District before moving towards a cliff, where another boy was waiting for him.

She watched as they spoke before each taking a stance and then they went at it, she watched in awe as they moved faster then even her bloodline could track and threw punches, kicks and elbow strikes at eachother.

Suddenly she watched the Uchiha boy stop, his crimson eyes looking straight at her before they narrowed and he blurred towards her at high speeds. Suddenly she found herself lifted by the back of her withe kimono that she wore, with her blood line she could see the last Uchiha bringing her towards his sparing partner.

Arriving at the clearing, he dropped her in front of the other boy who raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "Who's this?"-he asked his bored tone saturating the air.

"Don't know. She was spying on us through."-the taller boy answered. She suddenly realized the applications of what she had been doing and like water from a damn she understood the gravity, she was watching two certified ninja training.


One of which was a clan heir.

Double Crap.

Deciding to put her father's teachings to use, beacause she had yet to be adopted into the academy, she took a stance and lashed out against her captures.

Naruto watched curiously as the girl took a stance and launched herself at him, attempts to palm and finger strike him into letting her go walking backwards while dodging the young girl he noticed a tree behind him so using the tree climbing exercise he walked up and stuck himself just out of her reach. Looking around for his teammate he found himsitting on the ground watching the scene with clear amusement in his eyes.

"Maa Maa calm down little one, no need to attack."-he was about to continue to try and calm the girl down when she exclaimed-"I won't let you take me to the Hokage, I will not go to prison."-her proud tone made Sasuke snort and made Naruto chuckle.

The young girl blushed after hearing the sounds of laughter, they were mocking her, she might only be 8 but she was a Hyuga and she would go down fighting.

Seeing the girl retake her stance, Naruto waved his hands to calm her down, seeing her step out of her stance he jumped of the tree next to her, and waved her to follow him.

Doing so she followed him until they were next to the other boy. Naruto sighed before speaking. "Now we won't take you to the Hokage if you tell us who you are and why you were spying on us, ok?".

"My name is Hyuga Hanabi and I was interested in seeing what a real ninja is like, and besides my  sister and clan I don't see know much."-she lied smoothly, there was no need for them to know about Hinata's interest.

"You could have just asked, you know."-the masked boy said in a friendly tone of voice, before he got up. "Teme I'll get going and take Hanabi home, maybe get some ramen on the way."-he said to which a nod was his response.

Following after him, Hanabi walked back to the village until her stomach rumbled in a very unhyuga like way.

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