Chapter 8

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He opened his eyes, a small groan escaping the confines of his mouth as he sat up on the bed, he guessed he was in the hospital.

Looking around he found himself stating at a mirror and noticed he still has his mask on, and also had a large amount of bandages around his right eye, he also absently noted he now had white hair.

He frowned as he recalled what happened in the Invasion, with a heavy heart he took off the bandages around his eye, but what he didn't expect was to find himself stating at a violet eye in his right eye socket.

He climbed out of bed before moving slowly to a chair where he found his clothes, all of them washed and folded on the chair.

Dressing himself and moving to the window, he left the hospital, in search of the Hokage tower, as he landed in a street nearby, he slowly moved through the drunken Shinobi and civilians who were celebrating the victory.

A smile played on his face as he crossed to a more quiet street, he loved Konoha to death even if the people at the time did not think much of him.

He walked a corner and bumped into something so lost in his thoughts as he was, looking down he found himself stating at two light blue eyes and a blonde ponytail.

"Ino, sorry about that."-he stated as he held a hand to help her up.

"Naruto!"-she exclaimed and jumped to her feet, her face contorted in confusion a second later.

"Ino!"-he exclaimed in a imitation of her.

"Shouldn't you be in the hospital, Hokage-sama told  us you were heavily injured in the Invasion."-she asked slight concern in her voice.

"No I'm almost ready for a second one!"-he joked, laughing at his own jab.

An awkward silence, stretched from there both teens not having an idea how to continue the conversation.


"Well I-"

They looked towards eachother before Naruto eye smiled, " You go first."

Coughing into her first to clear her throat Ino looked at Naruto seriously. "So uhmm about what Garaa said?"-she let her question hang, even though since the declaration of victory it was the only thing on her mind.

Naruto hummed in thought, before speaking "Well I'm heading towards the Hokage tower we can talk there."-he proposed carefully avoiding the subject.

With a nod from the blonde girl they set off to see the most powerful man, in the village.


After a rather calming walk to the tower they both found themselves at the doors of their leader's office, hearing several voices speaking.

Suddenly the voices stopped, and they heard a couple of footsteps heading their way, that's when normality was thrown out of the window and the Shodaime Hokage popped his head outside, a brilliant grin on his ushering them in.

Entering the office they found all of their village leaders, the Sandaime seated at the desk, while the Nindaime was in the windowsill, the Shodaime was seated on a sofa in front of the desk and finally the Yondaime was seated on the corner of the desk.

"Naruto-kun what are you doing here? You should be resting."-the aged Kage spoke in a soft tone of voice.

Thats when Naruto narrowed his eyes and locked them with the old Sarutobi in the desk before his chakra started flaring, making the floor creek by the pressure he was realising.

"Oh I don't know, how about this?"-he questioned sarcastically before slamming a brown journal, on the desk.

"How did you get that?"-the reining Kage questioned as his tone turned cold, and pumped his own chakra matching the white haired youth that simply realeased more chakra in his anger.

The rest of the young occupants of the room watched the scene three from the amount of chakra being shown by a Gennin, and one from how much he had grown.

Naruto shook in anger as he glared at his Hokage, his multicoloured eyes spelling betrayal. As he was about to continue a hand landed on his shoulder.

Turning towards his offender to slap the hand away, he found himself looking towards two blue eyes much like his own. Minato smiled softly at the boy before kneeling to his size. "Calm down Naruto. I'm sure Sandaime-sama has a reasonable explanation."- turning towards the alive Kage, Naruto glared at him again, although the heat behind it was lessened somewhat.

"Tell me why?"-he whispered, drawing a sympathetic look from the Shodaime who always hated seeing young children with eyes equals of Naruto.

"Sit down my boy, you too Ino-chan."-he ordered softly to the duo as they sat and unlike the boy the girl was feeling uncomfortable being in the middle of all these powerful people.-"after the Kyubi attack 13 years ago, the village was extremely weak, and we couldn't afford to show any weakness nor any reason to be attacked."-drawing confused looks from the children he smiled sadly at them, he continued-"If Iwagakure, learned of the reaming Namikaze family being reduced to two babies, we would have been wiped in seconds."

He watched carefully as Naruto's eyes widened and turned towards the Yondaime as fast as possible, Ino's took a second longer but she understood as well, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes.

Naruto moved at a extraordinary pace for someone who earlier had been in the hospital, and slammed a fist deep in the dead Hokage's stomach making the blonde's eyes widen before bucking over.

"YOU BASTARD!"-the boy roared, grabbing the young leader by his cape bringing him eye to eye with him-" Who'd the hell seals the Kyubi inside his own son, are you mental? Do you know how much I had to endure because of that? I had zero friends at the academy, every adult looked at me with hate and suspicion. Do you-"-his voice became weaker as the boy let out emotions he held inside for so long. He finally let out a cry of frustration his eyes becoming blurry-" AGH! I don't even know what I'm saying anymore!"

Ino had never been assaulted by so much information at once. When she saw her classmate and apparent brother slam into the Yondaime, she almost missed the other three Kages leave the room.

Watching and hearing her friend breakdown brough a lot of things into perspective, and she found herself shedding tears along with her brother.

"How old are you now? Naruto."-the blonde Hokage asked softly as the boy let go of his collar and started wiping his tears.

"T-Thirteen."-he answered, as he finally looked up, his eyes pools of emotions.

"I'm sorry for hurting you so much, I know I have no right to call myself your father, but let me get a good look at you ne?"-he asked as he knelt again and lifted the boys chin with his middle and index finger.

After looking the boy over he looked over his son's shoulder to the girl and motioned her over with his hand. She slowly moved over before he grabbed her in a one armed hug that made her smile as her tears dried up.

"I know you both will do great things and Ino-chan"-he said drawing her attention.-"watch out for your brother for me please."-he smiled kindly.

"Well I guess someone has got to keep this knucklehead in line."-she answered before she grinned and he smiled as it looked so much like Kushina.

"Well I have to meet with the other two before going back to the pure world. He exclaimed softly before being hugged by both teens. Smiling he hugged them back before going outside.

A couple of minutes later the Sandaime walked in, a sad smile on his face. Before he could speak Naruto looked at the man in the eye and eye smiled once more.

"Well Sarutobi-sensei I'll see you in two days for the usual session. See you! And I'll see you tomorrow Imouto-chan!"-he exclaimed before leaving.

Ino waved as she watched him leave through the window and after bowing left through the door.

Sarutobi now alone chuckled as he held six scrolls. "I'll see you then Naruto." He put the scrolls in his robes before shutting the lights and leaving in a shower of leaves and wind.

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