Chapter 9

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The following morning found Naruto in his balcony smoking his usual cigarette, a small smile on his lips when he captured a chakra signature coming his way.

"What's up Sasuke?"-he asked before looking up.

"You look like Sensei with that hair."-the Uchiha said as he dropped besides his teammate, his nose cringing at the smell of smoke.

"Those will kill you you know."-he stated with a raised brow to the white haired boy who just shrugged before turning the bud of the death stick into ash.

Motioning for the other boy to enter his abode Naruto walked to his table and sat a cup of ramen in front of him, as he ate his with henge in place.

Stopping for a minute to look to his dark haired rival he finally asked. "What can I do for you?"-he asked calmly.

"I learned a jutsu in the Invasion"-he stated to which Naruto raised an eyebrow "from Orochimaru".

"What about it?"-the with haired youth asked his friend his usual bored tone now had a certain edge to it.

"It's called 'Edo Tensei' and it revives the dead."-the other boy revealed.

"And you want to use it, from what I understand it needs a sacrifice for someone to use it."-the smaller boy said his ramen finished.

"Yeah, but for the people I want to revive, I need a strand of DNA from them or their relatives, do you want in?"-he asked knowing his teammate would accept after all he always wanted to know who his parents were.

"Fine you got me!"-the student of the Sandaime said-"I'm free tonight, at midnight."-the Uchiha avenger nodded and got up and left.

A small sigh escaped the boy as he watched the boy leave through his balcony. Any thoughts about the situation came to a halt when a knock sounded on his door.

Walking slowly towards it, he opened it to find Ino and another blonde women noticeably older. Blinking away the confusion, he raised an eyebrow and Ino blushed before coughing into her hand.

"Well, uhmm since uhmm?"-the blonde girl was tumbling over her words and a embarrassed blush crossed her face and thought hard on what to say.

The older women decided to help the young girl."Hello Naruto-kun, my name is Noriko Yamanaka, Ino's adoptive mother, since she now knows the truth, she said she wanted to spend her day with you, is that alright?"-the older women ignored the offended 'Hey!' from her daughter and returned her gaze to the boy in front of her.

"Yeah sure!"-the boy answered and grabbed his sandals before joining the women, who both smiled at him.

Hours later found Naruto in his apartment, his mask still in place, except now he wore a dark blue short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh armour that showed at his wrists and ankles. He also wore black fingerless gloves with a metal protector and a black belt.

Seeing it was still early to go meet Sasuke, he settled to relax and enjoy a book until then, reading well into the night until his clock marked midnight.

Running along the rooftops, Naruto found himself deep into the ghost District of the Uchiha clan, arriving at the only house that had a light on, he found his classmate and teammate, outside sitting on a porch.

"Took you a while."-the Uchiha commented but it was said nothing more as they moved to a cliff nearby the Naka River.

Reaching there they found 3 Sound Nins body's, with a nod to eachother, Sasuke reached into the boys hair and took a strand of it before grabbing two black ones.

With a sigh he laid them on the ground before beginning hand signs. Felling the drop on his chakra, made his eyes widen as leafs began to enclose the body's.

Seeing the technique failing, Naruto laid a hand on the boys shoulder and pulsed his chakra into him.

Seeing he had the fuel to the fire now, so to speak, he finished the technique calling it.

"Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei ( Summoning: Impure world reincarnation)!"-he bellowed to the empty field.

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