Chapter 10

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The first coffin dropped its top to show a fair-skinned woman with long, straight black hair with bangs hanging on either side of her face to roughly frame her cheeks and black eyes. She wore a simple dark purple blouse with a red-plum skirt and a light-yellow apron worn over it.

The second one revealed a male that had short, brown hair that reached to his shoulders and onyx-coloured eyes, with visible creases below them.He wore a simple kimono with grey pants which had the Uchiha clan's symbol on the back

The last lid dropped and showed a female form, she was a fair-skinned and slender woman of feminine build with violet eyes, and  red hair. Her hair was straight and reached her ankles with shoulder-length strands that framed both sides of her face and a black clip that parted her hair to the left. She wore a high-collared, sleeveless blouse under a long, loose-fitting dress with a wristband on her left wrist and standard shinobi sandals.

As the revived souls got their bearings Sasuke was sweating heavily he might have not been able to complete the Jutsu if not for the boost his white haired teammate had given him.

"Where am I?"-asked the black haired women, making both the other revived souls turn to her their surprise showing in their face.

Mikoto!/Mikoto-chan!"-were the both call outs that sounded through the field. Turning each others way they looked eyes before the red-headed women turned to the male.

"Fugaku-teme!"-the women yelled pulling down her eye lid and sticking her tongue out.

"Tomato!"-the man called the women before puffing his chest and giving the women aside glance and turning around.

Coughing into his hand drawing the attention to himself Naruto sighed before speaking. "We apologize for disturbing you're rest, my teammate here needed to speak with some of you, you are now in Konohagakure 13 years after the Kyubi attack."-he explained, knowing that all of them at to be alive at that point.

"Sasuke. Why have you called us?"-the man asked with a sigh.

"Oh Sasuke-kun"-Mikoto smiled as she cooed before walking towards him and hugging him.

Stepping away from his mother Sasuke gathered his bearings, forcing tears that had almost spilled back. " I wanted to know what happened back then when you died."-finding it strange his mother glare at his father and him flinching, he waited for the explanation to come.

It took a new detour as he suddenly found himself high above the ground lifted by his armpits by the red-headed women, who was now hugging him like a teddy bear while pushing her cheek against his own all the while cooing at him.

He managed to get out a  "Your family is weird dobe!" to make the women stop and turn to his teammate, who was now smoking a cigarette blowing his smoke out.

The women took one hard look at his partner in crime before dropping him (Sasuke)  on the ground her hair started to flap around in the air behind her like tails as she stomped her way to his teammate. Extending her hand and motioning with her eyes towards the death stick, he saw his teammate hesitate, before from the women's hand a golden chain came out and pierced it destroying it completely.

Pulling Naruto by the ear nearby Sasuke, she tapped the floor with her foot expectantly looking into his teammates double colored eyes.

"Mask off now."-the order was something Naruto, for all his defiance, didn't object to he pulled it down showing his six whisker marks proudly.

The women gasped before her eyes hardened once more. "Young man, I might not be alive any more, but I'll be damned if a son of mine is smoking!"-she exclaimed before begining to tirade on his well being and why he shouldn't.

Turning to his family Sasuke saw them watching the scene, even his father which was the most surprising in all honesty, with small serene smiles. Coughing once more drawing the red-headed women's tirade to the end, she was now speaking of ramen , how she made that transition he didn't care enough to find out. "Well, I would like to know what happen when you passed, Mother, Father?"-he watched as his mother's eyes saddened before she sat down.

"Sasuke-kun, it isn't the best topic of conversation but you need to know otherwise you might do something you'll regret."-she explained. "Now where to begin"-she wondered a loud capturing the attention of everyone around.

"The attack of the Kyuubi changed more than you think,"-She began- "We lost the Yondaime Hokage that night, and countless shinobi in the village's defense. Afterwards, village elders began to suspect that our clan may have somehow had a hand."

The hair stood up on Sasuke's neck, "And the Hokage just believed them?"

"The Sharingan has an extensive ability to control the Nine-Tailed Fox,"- Fugaku didn't bother acknowledging Sasuke's temper, now the boy needed to listen, the time to vent would come later- "As time passed, the Uchiha were placed under surveillance, to make sure there were no signs of treachery. In the end, the higher ups did discover it, but not the kind they were originally looking for."

From previous revelations, Sasuke already knew that this train of conversation was headed somewhere dark. "We were found guilty of a coup."-Mikoto revealed.

Kushina gasped completely shocked at the revelations. "What the hell Teme? Why would?"-she was cut off by a shake of the head from Mikoto.

Fugaku continued his story from there "The preparations for one, at least," He said, "I had my men inserted throughout Konoha's command structure, spread out, covering as many bases in prime positions as possible. To anyone else these were talented men and women, who deserved their positions, worked hard for the village. But they were spies."

Your father made a mistake,"-Mikoto continued- "He pressured your brother Itachi to enter ANBU, directly under the Hokage's command. He had no idea they were already aware of what was going on."

"Itachi went to the Hokage? Why would he do that?"-Sasuke asked as all of the present found themselves entranced in the story.

"Your brother did not agree with your father's plans. He believed it would only escalate into another Shinobi World War. He had seen the destruction and death of the last one. He wished to avoid such a conflict."

Things went well for a time with this arrangement," Fugaku continued, "Due to his position, both as ANBU and as the son of the clan head, Itachi was well within the inner-circle of the coup. With him as an inside men the Hokage was able to pacifie the clan. Hostilities de-escalated for a time. Then came the death of Uchiha Shisui."

"Itachi's best friend," Sasuke whispered.

The voice of the former Uchiha leader turned steely, "Shisui was tasked with looking after your brother for the clan. He committed suicide, but most of the clan believed that he was killed by Itachi and that his death was staged. Itachi lost trust, and the Hokage lost his source of soothing the Uchiha. Things spiraled out of control from there. At least, until the assassination was offered to Itachi."

"Offered?"-Sasuke sneered, his teeth clenching in anger and fury, he had already understood the rest, the only men that could order an ANBU was the Hokage.

"Sasuke your brother sacrificed everything for you, he wanted you to live long and become powerful enough to one day avenge the clan."-Mikoto said rubbing a soothing hand over Sasuke's face as tears fell from his eyes.

"Please forgive me for being the cause of all the pain you have suffered. But like I asked Itachi when he killed me, take care of him Sasuke and bring him back home."-Fugaku said bringing Sasuke's attention to him, the young Uchiha felt a  sting from his eyes and suddenly he found himself seeing everything much clearer then before, his Sharingan had finally fully matured.

"You boys take care of yourselves you hear us"-Kushina said as the older people started to shine.

"Take care."-Mikoto offered a smile.

As their souls left the world once again the boys simply stood among the moon earing the river below. Naruto pulled out his pack and took two of the death sticks from it, before offering one to his partner.

Turning and leaving the other boy he only said "After the night you just had you are gonna need one."

"Hey!"-Sasuke called out, making Naruto turn his way-"Thanks Naruto."-he offered with a lazy smirk.

Shaking his head Naruto turned and waved over his shoulder, "Anytime Sasuke."

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