Chapter 2

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The silence in the Hokage's office etched as Naruto waited for the Sandaime's answer.

"I will train you.."-the Sandaime was interrupted by a loud "Yosh" as Naruto jumped out of his seat.

"Silence"-he roared scaring the young Uzumaki who had never seen his precious Jiji use that voice with him.

"As I was saying Naruto-kun I will train you if you pass my test. If you do, I will not only make sure your ready for the trials ahead but also you become the man you should be. It's time you got serious Naruto-kun."-the brown eyes of the Sandaime bore into the genin's form.

"Are you sure you want to continue?"

"Yes Sensei!"-the blond boy responded meeting the old man's gaze with one full of determination.

"Very well, then tomorrow come to the Sarutobi compound at 5am, dress with something like a Shinobi would and No orange!"-he said quickly as he saw the question approaching-"and most of all be ready for hell!"-the Sarutobi patriarch almost sounded gleeful in the end.

"Yes sir!"-the youth answered and made to leave the office through the window.

"Why the window?"-the Sandaime asked with a mirthy laught.

"Why use doors when there's a window?"-Naruto countered and continued his way after climbing his way out leaving behind a sighing a murmuring Sandaime who was apperantly going to murder a white haired toad when he found him.

As the hours of the afternoon passed Kakashi found that he had spent enought time mourning his team.

A well spent 3 hours in the road of life.

As he made his way through the village reading his trusty Icha Icha when he came across his orange wearing student attempting to enter a store of Shinobi clothing where he was declined entrance.

Deciding to see if he could help he followed his student along as he grumbled around about not being able to get new clothes.

Deciding to help some more with his student he quickly Shunshin away to his own home to see what he could do.

Grabbing an old box he opened and found his old training outfit he used when in team Minato so he wrapped it all up and moved with speed only a Jonnin and above could see towards his students home.

Entering through the window with practised ease he dropped the package on top of his students table. A note saying "Enjoy! Hope you'll do great in the finals."

His self assigned mission done he once again used the Shunshin to leave.

Hiruzen did not know what to expect when he said that Naruto had to change wardrobe he just hoped he wouldn't go from orange to bright pink.

But he was pleasantly surprised when he came outside and saw his new charge wearing something he remembered a certain Hatake wearing.

Naruto was wearing a dark grey sweatshirt that was tucked into what looked to be a earth brown piece of cloth that hung over his back on it a pouch. On his legs he wore a blue style much like Anbu that stopped slightly above the ankle to show off a bit of mesh armour.

Strapped to his legs he wore a Kunai pouch held with bandages. To finish the outfit he wore dark blue sandals with his headband tied tightly around his forehead of what the cloth had changed to  the same shade of blue of the Sandals. But what made  sure he resembled his Sensei was the mask that covered his face up until the bridge of his nose.

Now if he started coming in late by 3 hours and saying excuses such as "I got lost on the road of life" and reading Icha Icha he would have a mini Kakashi going around.

Well this might be a plan so that Kakashi could one up his eternal rival once more.

And it was working seeing as the boy was late for 5 minutes.

"Your late Naruto-kun."-he stated.

Naruto who was not really paying attention looked at the men for a second before he replied.

"Huh, you say something?"

The Sandaime paled for a second at the Kakashiish reply. He let his mid wander if it had something to do with the mask.

In a nearby tree another masked individual was filled with pride at his student. He knew he should have taken him on as an apprentice early on in his life, of he had he migh have been a respectable 3 hours late instead of 5 minutes. But Kakashi was a patient man he could wait.

Taking his second lap around Konoha on his hands Maito Gai felt something he never though he would feel again. Something had caused a disturbance in Flames of youth, last time he felt like this was before he met... Oh no another cool and hip individual was forming. He would need to see that Lee rekindle the flames of youth of this fellow as his eternal rival. With newfound energy he took off towards the hospital he had to inform him of this. He would not have another hip and cool rival best his mini-me eerhhh prized pupil. Yes those are the youthful words.

Naruto looked at his Sensei for the month as they marched towards a training ground. When he arrive he saw a huge monkey waiting for them.

"Ah Enma how are you my friend?"-the Sandaime said to the monkey.

"I'm good old friend, so this is the one you told me about."-Enma replied.

"It would be yes I present you Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto-kun meet the boss summon of the Money clan Enma."

"A pleasure"-he replied somewhat fearful of the big primate.

"He seems to have some manners, I'm sure I can enlist the rest"- the monkey king replied with a sadistic smirk.

"I'm sure you will."-the Sarutobi patriarch replied with an equal evil smirk.

"Now Naruto-kun are you ready for the first day of training?"

Naruto only gulped while he nodded.



Hope you enjoyed I'll try to post another soon enough.

Cya soon!

Tell me your thoughts if you please.

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