Chapter 12

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Naruto looked towards this partner as they ran through the wet hills of Amegakure no Sato, he wondered if it was the best idea to prank an entire organisation of S-Ranked Nins to deliver a message. It was however the first mission he got as a Chunnin so in the end it evened out. Surely.

Thanks to Sasuke's Sharingan he was able to see that the rain that fell in the country was clouded with chakra so they waited for it to pass so they could infiltrate the most secure village of the world.

After arriving and using all the stealth training they had managed to find a corridor with different rooms which were all labeled with different kanji. Searching through them they found a high amount of information on Amegakure but the two things that stood out were a big wrapped in bandages sword that was sentient and had immediately fallen in love with Naruto and stuck itself on his back, and a room where Sasuke left a note, when asked why, the dark haired boy only said "Itachi's room".

Soon after they made their escape leaving the village before the rain began again and took off at top speed towards the fire country.


TenTen found herself bored as she watched the instructor, a man named Iruka continue his lesson to the young class about the importance of Ame no Kuni, having brought the class to the border for better examples.

He was just about to begin the next segment of the lesson when 2 blurs landed in the middle of the clearing they were on, seeing who they were the reactions varied.

TenTen blushed when she saw the white hair and miss matched eyes, having been informed by Ino who it was.

Iruka palmed his face seeing as even after leaving the academy Naruto still managed to ruin his lessons, although the excuse this time should be better.

The ones that surprised the members of team Gai and Iruka were the 3 distinct shouts of "Boss!" and the shout of "Naruto-niisama and Sasuke-niisama."

The two boys looked towards the children easily watching the 3 blurs that came to hug Naruto and the one that came to hug Sasuke.

"Naruto you better have a good excuse for interrupting my class."-Iruka drowled out impatiently, he loved the kid like a brother but he could be a pain in the ass sometimes.

"A very good one I assure you."- he said from between the children-" We are coming back from a mission and we just stumbled by. We were heading back to the village."

"Fine! Get going."-the teacher said and Naruto found himself disengaged from the hug but looking at a pouting Hanabi he felt a little bit bad that he had to leave, seeing Sasuke moving along the dark haired youth also noticed the face of the girl and turning back with a small smile called her over with two fingers. Seeing her run forward he gently poked her forehead before replying. "Sorry Hanabi, maybe we'll meet later."

Jumping off into the woods the dark haired boy noticed his partners eyes on him burning with curiosity, he sighed and decided to explain himself. "Itachi used to do that all the time with me, I'm using his example as a big brother to be better for Hanabi."- he could feel the grin directed at him, grunting and speeding up to avoid Naruto noticing his blush, he failed his best friend's laugh told him.

Unknown to all the scene had been watched by a crow sitting on a branch before proofing in smoke, new news to deliver towards its master.


As they left the office Naruto and Sasuke felt for the first time in their lifes the dread of war, the thought that their comrades may die due to this Akatsuki group made them restless. Felling the need to address another situation Sasuke turned towards his best friend. "Naruto, I'm going to go and leave the village to train for 3 years."-getting just a raised eyebrow irked him a bit but he could see the pain that passed on the white haired boy before being replaced by determination.

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