I don't know you

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Ariel lands in water. Ariel's leg blood fills the water down below then swim up. Ariel sighs and swims to a dock type of area in a cave similar to what her and Leon saw. Ariel crawls and for Ariel it all goes black as she slams her head onto the ground passing out.

Time skip
Ariel wakes up tied up in a room alone "hello" Ariel coughs. "well hello mrs. Kennedy" A male voice echos. "dude can I leave" Ariel yells. "you were asleep quite a a while baby keeping you up all night" The male shows up in her view. He's blonde big strong with scars all over his face. "who are you" Ariel asks. "Leon never told you" he chuckles "typical". "told me what" Ariel gulps. "2002 you husband Leon kennedy was in south Africa" The man states. "I wasn't" Ariel rolls her eyes.

South Africa The only thing I remember from what leon told me was he had a partner saved a woman named manuela succeeded his mission came home went on a vacation and that was the end of it. Whenever we went on seperate missions we don't really talk about it. When he was in south africa I was in Italy. What didn't Leon tell me

"Leon has always been weak can't even save his own wife" The man waves a knife around. "who are you I don't know you" Ariel spits on him. "Jack Krauser remember me now" He asks.

Leon you have so much explaining to do.

"no I don't know you and Whatever leon did" Ariel starts to say but gets interupted. "nothing exactly nothing" Krauser yells. "okay so he did nothing for something" Ariel gulps. "trying to save everyone see the good in everyone" Krauser goes on.

Sounds like Leon but he's a hero thats what heroes do your being extra sweetie

Time skip
Krauser goes on and on. "Unlike you Leon saves people manuela is alive but people die he's not weak you are" Ariel spits at him again. "you better watch it I know where clementine is staying with Melissa you mother where she has a little cold" Krauser explains. "your obsessed with Leon its not his fault your just dumb" Ariel yells. "your dumb for working for wesker too". "and your dumb for being with Leon its been hours and he still can't find you" Krauser says making Ariel stay quiet.

Leon will find me I trust him

Krauser squeezes her leg making her scream "stop" She begs. Ariel twists a jelly ring she has on her pointer finger and Lasers go up the ropes off her arms then kicks krauser with her good leg then she flip overs running out of the room

I can't believe wesker knows all about this if this guy krauser knows then wesker knows too whats he waiting for me to play cat and mouse Because I don't play that. I have to find Leon.

Time skip
Ariel is walking alone in an area she's never been in hearing walking. Ariel looks "Leon" Ariel yells. "Ariel" Leon smiles. Ariel jumps down from the platform and walks to Leon then stops when Leon takes out his knife. "Leon" Ariel yells seeing a figure. Leon turns around to see nothing then Leon keep on walking to Ariel to hear metal then looks up then flips over. "leon" Ariel screams. Leon wipes the blood from his face. "been a long time comrade" Krauser says to Leon. "Krauser" Leon looks surprised.

Leon does have alot to explain

"I died in a crash two years ago is that what they told you" Krauser walks aroun Leon. "your the one who kidnapped ashley" Leon acuses.

Yeah krauser told me that Leon kill him please

"Ariel stay back" Leon says before Krauser starts to slash at Leon

Krauser seems so crazy all because Leon's a good person

"leon" Ariel yells as as Leon and Krauser flip over off the platform. "you brought my wife and daughter just for that" Leon yells running at kruaser Ariel limps over to the edge of her platform watching from above seeing krauser shove a knife onto Leon before a gun goes off. Ariel turns around.


"isn't it the bitch in the red dress" Krauser looks up at me.

why is she always showing up like this

Krauser is gone from view. "you knew each other" Ada asks. "more or less maybe its time you tell me the reason why your here" Leon asks. "maybe some other time" Ada jumps off the platform. "you saw her" Ariel asks. "gun in my back in the castle what happened" leon asks. "krauser kidnapped me guess someone hates you mind explaining" Ariel crosses her arms. "when we get home yeah" Leon starts walking off. "I'm trusting you Leon"

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