Its over

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Ariel and Leon walk through the first few lasers with ease before a hard one. Leon and Ariel jump through a middle opening then they walk more then flip over when more lasers come by. "I can't with this" Ariel sighs. Leon presses a button turning around to see more laser. Leon and Ariel run up a wall flip over jumping. "got it" Ariel simes and Leon highfives Ariel. They walk in a room then Leon sits on a chair crossing his legs. "Leon there's no time for resting come on" Ariel looks at her leg. Leon stands up "fine but your leg" Leon knees down wrapping it more. "yeah yeah" Ariel rolls her eyes

Time skip
Timers? flying cart? crank? snake spider big animal monster thing? Two stages of killing? can I get a break? Simple mission to get Ashley and leave no it had to be so complicated

Ariel and Leon are walking around in a sand type of Area with broken buildings broken pillars like its ancient. "so you two are hooked up is that it" Krauser asks. "where's Ashley" Leon yells.

I knew something was missing how could I forget her annoying

"you really wanna know she's beyond that gate" Krauser tilts his head toward a door.

Why is krauser shirtless and in war paint

"but you'll need three insignias" Krauser explains. "what are you planning" Ariel asks. "there's one in the north and the other in the east" Krauser reveals. "and let me guess you have the last one" Leon guesses. "which pretty much means you two are on a tight leash" Krauser pulls out a gun. "sounds like you thought this out pretty well" Leon throws a grappling hook at him and runs as Ariel follows. "leon" Ariel yells as Krauser shoots at them

Time skip
After running around fighting krauser him flashing bombing us moving statues climbling ladders wasting ammo to get the insignia.

Ariel picks up the insignia and they start running. "two down one more to go" Leon says to Kauser up top. Krauser throws his gun away "we'll see about that mr. and Mrs.Kennedy".

This is between Leon and Krauser not me I shouldn't be in this fight I'm just Mrs.kennedy who doesn't know anything ew his arm

Ariel and Leon jump at the sight of Krauser's arm "feel the power" krauser yells. Ariel bursts out laugh.

Did not mean that I'm sorry maybe I am I don't know I need this

"you have completely lost it krauser" Leon sternly says. "prepare for your deaths Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy hope your daughter has godparents" Krauser jumps down at them. Ariel and Leon run out of his arm hearing beeps.

three minutes Really?

Ariel sees an opening near his legs and starts shooting them and Leon follows her Lead. Krauser's arm moves and Ariel starts slashing him as Leon keeps on shooting till after one minute he goes down. "finally" Ariel yells running. Leon grabs the insignia and runs after Ariel. They find themselves at the gate putting the insignias in. They head in. Leon hears a radio then answers. "so it seems you killed Krauser too" Saddler says over the radio.

thats not hunnigan I was knocked out for awhile huh

"what are you talking about I thought he was with you" Leon says in shock.

The hell same sounds like wesker to me because wesker double crossed stars

"did you two really trust an american to tell you the truth I was contemplating how to get rid of him but thanks to you thats no longer necessary" Saddler says as Leon gets mad "you were just using him right from the start" Leon yells.

He tried to kill us!

"I must hand it to you you've demonstrated quite a bit of promise by killing krauser when your assimilation with Las plagas is complete I'll have you serve as my guard" Saddler offers. Ariel gasps. "unfortunately I'm going to have to decline your generous offer I have prior engagements". "enjoy your smart mothing while you can" Saddler hangs up. "come on" Leon starts running then see so many weapons everywhere rocket launchers machine guns then hears a helicopter. "its american" Ariel points as Leon takes out his earpiece "its about time" Leon says in relief. "sorry bad traffice I'll cover you two" the helicopter man says before shooting away.

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