I had enough

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Ariel and Leon are reloading the guns. "seems like they eat like normal people" Leon looks at the table. "yeah" Ariel nods and opens the door while Leon follows. They walk to see the chainsaw man and other villagers. Ariel and looks start shooting them and keep on running to the village doors. "back from church already" Ariel yells. "come on" Leon and Ariel try to run past as fast as possble to the door with a symbol. Leon puts a key in the door then they run in.

time skip
"were at church" Ariel looks at the graves. "surprisingly" Leon comments walking up the path. They her spanish coming up. Someone has explosives and Ariel shoots the guy exploding everyone. "easy" Ariel smiles. Leon walks up to the church door and tries to open it but can't then radios Hunnigan "Hunnigan its Leon the door's locked I can't get in" Leon reveals. "didn't they teach you how to pick locks at the academy" Hunngian jokingly asks. "there's some sort of Indentation like something might fit inside" Leon looks at the door. "well there's no use standing around Leon you have to find some way or something to get inside" Hunngian hangs up.

She's bitchy right now bitchy don't work for me

Leon and Ariel walk to the bridge to hear spanish words being yelled at them. Ariel runs and shoves a villager down. Then more villagers come and Ariel shoves them all down. "someone's mad" Leon jumps across. "I just want to go home Leon" Ariel jumps across. "soon just got to find this thing get ashley and were gone home in time to watch your full house on dvd" Leon shoots a villager.

How did he know I watch reruns of that

"how do you know that" Ariel asks. "I was looking for a dvd for clementine to watch something and happen to find it" Leon reveals. "don't tell a soul" Ariel opens a wood door. "who am I going to tell your mother like she likes me" Leon chuckles. "she'll like you one day" Ariel smiles. Ariel and Leon find an empty space. "weird" Ariel looks around. "lets go" Leon says before him and Ariel run and keep running until they look up to see a boulder fall down. "come on running is getting old" Ariel says before her and Leon keep on Running from the boulder then jump to the side. Ariel and Leon stand up to a lake type of area with a dock. Ariel sighs "here we go"

Time skip
"strong legs" Ariel comments. "thanks you too kind of I mean" Leon gulps.

At the end of the day Leon is still Leon and I love him for it

"come on lover boy" Ariel pecks his lips. "man" leon corrects. Ariel chuckles as they keep walking. "duck" Leon whispers.'Ariel and Leon duck use their binoculars to look at whatever leon is looking at in Ariel's head. They look around to see a boat then they zoom in. "glasses dude dead" Ariel reveals then a huge fish comes up from the water and eats the police officer up. "uh no not this no" Ariel complains. "we got to do it" Leon sighs. "fine" Ariel crosses her arms and they walk to a dock. "ladies first" leon points to the boat. Ariel gets the boat and Leon jump in. Leon starts to drive the boat around. Ariel and Leon look down then back up then turn to the front to see the sea monster "OH MY GOD" Ariel screams. The boat jumps all around. "hold on" Leon yells as her and Leon are holding on to dear life then feel a drag. "no" Ariel yells grabbing a harpoon and throwing at the monster and it goes down. Leon tries to control the boat but very limited since the ancher is attached to the monster. "leon" Ariel yells as the boat flip over. Ariel and Leon swim as fast as they can to their boat. Leon pushes Ariel up. Ariel sees the monster pulling Leon up just as the monster passes by the boat and goes under. Ariel and leon look around "there" Ariel yells as the monster comes at them they keep throwing harpoons at it until it keeps on dragging them around. "leon when you said Marriage was an adventure this isn't what you meant right" Ariel yells throwing harpoons at the monster. "I meant kids for the adventure not this" Leon yells. Leon tries to drive away again luckily dodging the monster.

Time skip
Ariel sighs in relief but then leon falls down screaming. "oh my god" Ariel tries to cut the rope off him. Leon slashes over and over again until they get Leon loose making leon fall back. "you ok" Ariel asks touching his chest. He nods "yeah" he sits up and drives to where they need to go. He parks the boat. Ariel gets out first and helps Leon out the boat. Leon limps a bit but then stops. "you ok" Ariel asks. Leon holds himself and then coughs into his hand. "you gave our baby the cold" Ariel yells until she gasps to see the blood on his hand. Leon is grunting and moaning. "no Leon come on" Ariel holds onto leon and help him into the house until Leon fulls on falls down. "leon Leon" Ariel yells before Leon Blacks out.

Time skip
Ariel is looking at the big diamond ring that Leon gave her years ago then at unconscious Leon next to her on the floor.

Why did Leon faint like that and he's coughing up blood. Its not a cold its something else

Ariel sees something on Leon's neck "hickey" Ariel questions and moves Leon's head to the left to see a needle mark on him. "when we were knocked out" Ariel says to herself. Leon screams waking up making Ariel jump. Leon looks around groaning. Ariel helps Leon up. Then Leon takes out his radio. "leon its been 6 hours since our last transmission I was starting to get worried" Hunnigan says in relief. "don't you mean Lonely anyway I started to feel dizzy then I guess I must of lost consciousness" Leon explains. "lost counsciousness" Hunnigan asks. "Maybe that has some connection to what the village chief was talking about" Hunnigan questions. "can't say but I'm all right now I'm gonna contune my mission" Leon hangs up. "Leon are you okay" Ariel softens her tone. "yeah don't worry about it" Leon walks off.

No the hell he's not

"we can stop the mission and have someone else finish" Ariel offers. "were almost there" Leon walks out the door.

Time skip
Ariel and Leon walk into the empty space once again. Ariel looks into the darkness of the sky and sighs then hears something slam. Ariel and Leon jump then look around to see doors closing open opening with villagers pulling on a rope. "what the" Ariel says before something breaks the door. "giant" Ariel yells as The giant kills all the villagers. Ariel and Leon start shooting at it non stop until something pops out of the giants back. Ariel climbs on his back and slashes what seems to be a parasite popping out until the giant is about to grab her. Ariel jumps off his back and they keep shooting at the giant until they hear a howl. "its the dog" Ariel points to the wolf jumping down and barking. Ariel and Leon keep shooting at the giant until he growls then falls down. "run" Ariel yells. Ariel and Leon run off. "I had enough" Ariel screams.

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