President's daughter

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Ariel and Leon are running and jumping across the bridge. "we can finally be done with this" Ariel sighs in relief. "not quite" Leon sees not so friendly dogs. "your shitting me Leon" Areil rolls her eyes. "we got this" Leon pulls out his shotgun and shoots the dogs off one by one quickly. "okay lets go" Leon and Ariel walk to the church.

Time skip
"can't figure this out" Leon looks at the puzzle. "let me try maybe you just need a woman's touch" Ariel moves around the colors just a bit and they hear something open. "where would I be without you" Leon asks. "dead" Ariel smiles walking to the door. Leon opens it going in first to see a girl running. "ashley" Leon calls for. "no" a girl throws a wood plank at them. "Okay miss bitch" Ariel catches it then throws it away. "hey take it easy" leon yells at the girl. She runs away in a corner "no get away" She yells. "calm down everything's going to be just fine I'm leon this is ariel we were sent by the president to rescue you" Leon says in a soothing voice walking to Ashley slowly. She jumps up "my father". "thats right and we have to get you out of here lets go" Ariel crosses her arms. Ashley gets up to follow Ariel and Leon. Ariel takes Leon's radio from his waist "its Ariel we got Ashley" Ariel radios. "good work I'll send a chopper over right away" Hunnigan says. "where's the extraction point" Ariel asks. "there's another trail that you can take to get out of the village the chopper will pick you up behind there". "were on the way" Ariel hangs up and hands Leon back his radio. Ariel Leon and ashely start running out. Ariel and Leon hop down while Ashley just stands there. Leon has his hands out as Ashley jumps down.

This is going to be a fun time...NOT

Ariel Leon and Ashley run to the front then stop to hear a man say "i'll take the girl" A man in a cloak. "who are you" Leon sternly asks. "if you must know my name is osmund saddler the master of this fine religious community" The man says slowly. "what do you want" Leon steps in front of Ariel. "to demonstrate to the whole world our astounding power no longer will then united states think they can police the world forever so we kidnap the president's daughter in order to give her our power and then send her back" Saddler explains. "no" Ashley says softly then says "leon I think they shot something in my neck" she holds her neck. Leon looks angry "what did you do to her". "we just planted her a little gift oh there's going to be one hell of a party when she returns home to loving father" he laughs walking to them. "But before that I thought I might bargain with the president for some donation Believe it or not it takes quite a lot of money to keep this church up and running" Saddler proposes. "faith in money will lead you nowhere saddler" Leon raises his voice. "Oh I believe I forgot to tell you that we gave you two the same gift" Saddler reveals. Ariel feels her neck. "When I was unconscious" Leon says quietly to Ariel. "Oh I truly hope you two like our small but special contributions When the eggs hatch you will become my puppets Involuntarily you will do as I say I'll have total control over your minds Don't you think is is a revolutionary way to propagate one's faith" Saddler says in an calm but creepy tone. "Sounds like an alien invasion if you ask us" leon yells. The door opens to two hooded men with bows and arrows. Leon grabs Ariel and Ashley then jumps out the window.

Wait a minute. How come I didn't react the same way Leon did? coughing up blood fainting. Its like the t virus. Nothing for me

"ariel you ok" Leon asks. "yeah are you okay" Ariel holds his shoulders. "I'll live come on" Leon tilts his head.

Time skip
Ariel sees a barrels and a bunch of villagers coming at them so she shoots it watching them die. Ariel and Leon run leading Ashley to where they need to go. Leon and Ariel enter the cave they were once in and keep on running till they get back into the village hearing yelling and an helicopter noise. Ariel and Leon run onto their trail but Ariel steps on a bear trap making her scream. "ariel" Leon yells. "just keep shooting" Ariel shoots the villagers with Leon until there all dead. Ariel pulls out the bear trap with leon's help. Then they walk to the door that leads to the farm. "Ashely Ariel hide in this box" Leon orders. Ashely hops in as Ariel shakes her had "I'll live" Ariel limps to close the box Ashley's in. "fine but stay near me" Leon orders. Ariel smiles and nods "okay". Ariel and Leon go kill the villagers then Leon Whistles. Ashley comes running to them. "she annoys me" Ariel whispers. "well yeah but there's not much we can do" Leon whispers as Ashley meets them in the farmhouse. Ariel climbs up the ladder first then leon then Ashley. They keep on going over a bridge overlooking the farm. They hop down the Leon has to catch ashley. "climb she can't" Leon orders. "okay" Ashley climbs Leon's back then climbs over the door. "is your leg seriously okay" Leon asks. "no it hurts but were almost out of here I'll get treated when we leave" Ariel smiles. "I just don't want it to get infected" Leon looks at the very bloody leg. "I'll be ok" Ariel rolls her eyes. "You know I love you right" Leon asks. "sometimes a little bit too much" Ariel kisses him hearing a click. "come on" Ariel opens the door leaving. They all walk to the bridge. "Leon ariel I have some bad news" Hunnigan says with disapointment. "we'd rather not hear it" Leon says. "well I'm afraid I have to tell you anyway we've lost contact with the chopper someone must have shot it down" hunnigan reveals.

Great just Great bad news after another

Ariel and leon keep on going through the bridge then hear yelling. The three turn around. "Leon Ariel what are we going to do" Ashley yells. "were sandwiched alright quick in that cabin" Leon yells grabbing Ariel by the shoulder and runs to the cabin. "Leon put me down" Ariel yells. Leon puts her down and closes the door. "Leon" A man yells throwing a plank. Leon and Ariel face him. "small world ay" Luis says as Leon puts the Plank in the door.

Ashley's annoying the shit of my standing blah blah blah.

"Leon our besties are coming" Ariel looks through a crack in the boarded up window. "ashley get upstairs Ariel you too" Leon orders. Ashley runs upstairs. "no I'm fine" Ariel pushes the bookshelf in the window near the door. Leon does the same to two other windows.

My foot is hurting

Ariel sees the villagers break down one of the book cases and then the others. Ariel Luis and Leon keep on shooting. Ariel backs up onto the stairs falling "ow" Ariel keeps shooting then crawls up. Leon and Luis Follow her up. They keep shooting over and over until they just randomly stop and leave. "looks like there backing off" Leon breaks everyone's silence. "so what do we do now" Luis asks. "the bridge we crossed here in is out Ariel can't that far so we have to keep moving and help Ariel Move" Leon looks at her leg that is still bleeding. "i forgot something you guys go on ahead" Luis walks out. Leon calls after. Ariel crawls to the front window on the second floor then sees a woman in a red dress in the distance

What do you want Ada. I"m keeping ada's presence a secret from Leon I don't want to worry him anymore

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