same blood

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Ariel and leon jump up looking around. "ariel" Leon frantically calls for. "I'm right here don't scream in my ear" Ariel sighs. "sorry" Leon looks to his right to see some form of her there. Leon and Ariel try getting up but can't because they feel extra weight. "don't tell me your pregnant again" Leon jokes. "no its that guy" Ariel rolls her eyes. "hey wake up" Leon yells waking the man up. "wakey wakey leom squeezy" Ariel moves around. "aye yai yai crawl out of one hole into another" The man comments. "you want to tell us whats going on here" Leon asks. "americanos si now what brings you two to this part of the world aye senorita easy whoever you are". "wasn't an accident" Ariel keeps pulling. "ow" Leon says making Ariel stop moving. "name's leon and My wife Ariel came looking for this girl see her" Leon pulls out a photo showing the man. "you two cops or something nah you two don't look the type" the man comments.

I was in stars thank you very much

"maybe" leon looks away. "okay let me guess she's the president's daughter" He guesses. Leon chuckles "too good for a guess want to start explaining" Leon asks. "psychic powers" he says mysteriously. The man laughs "nah just kidding with you amigos I overheard one of the villagers talking about the presidents daughter in the church" He explains. "and who are you" Ariel asks. "me llamo is Luis used to be a cop in madrid" Luis reveals. "now I'm just a good for nothing guy who happens to be quite the ladies man" Luis explains. Ariel rolls her eyes


"why'd you quit" Leon asks. Luis scoffs "policia you put your life on the line nobody really appreciates you enough for it being a hero isn't what its cracked up to be anymore" Luis explains. "Ariel was in stars and I was a cop only for a day though" leon reveals. "I thought I was bad" Luis comments. "somehow we got ourselves involved with the incident in Raccoon city on my first day on the force and she on leave for investigating" Leon reveals. "that is the incident with the viral outbreak right" Luis asks. Leon nods "at least something came out of it" Ariel comments. "what is that" Luis asks. "our daughter clementine" Leon reveals. "you have a daughter" Luis asks. "five months old" Leon reveals. "you know I saw the sample of the virus in the department" Luis says before they hear metal being dragged on the floor hearing spanish talking. Luis and Leon start moving around the moment they see a villager. Ariel is confused since she's not in view

Whats going on

Leon quickly grabs Ariel from the blade and rolls all over her. "ow Leon" Ariel yells. The villager comes at him then Leon kicks the villager breaking his neck. Leon gets up then helps Ariel get up. Ariel looks at her bleeding upper arm. Leon stares at the dead villager. "its leon sorry Ariel and I couldn't get in touch sooner but we were a bit tied up" Leon explains. "you two are okay right" Hunnigan asks. "were fine there was a male civilian held captive according to him ashley's in a church somewhere" leon explains. "what happened to him" Hunnigan asks. "escaped" Ariel answers. "do you have a fix on the locaion of that church" Hunnigan asks. "no but apparently there's a secret passage in the village that leads there were heading toward the village" Leon hangs up. Ariel holds pressures on her wound. Leon walks over to her "here we are again" Leon smirks. "shut up" Ariel smiles. Leon puts herbs on her arm and wraps her arm up. "knew something like this was going to happen you were in the middle" Leon sighs. "not your fault its whatever the virus they have in them" Ariel feels no jacket on her. "looks like we need to go buy some jackets on the way home" Ariel starts walking. "nice excuse to go shopping maybe I should get you that shopping cart toy for you and Clementine" Leon jokes. "over here stranger" A man yells from the window. "scary man" Ariel gulps. "come on" Leon kicks open the door and walks to his left with Ariel. "hey dude" Ariel says. "got something that migh interest you" The man covering his face says opening his hood. "see this is your thing" Leon jokes. "shut up nerd".

Time skip
Lord saddler Luis I don't know

Leon opens a door in a house quietly. Leon turns around to get choked out. "Leon" Ariel yells as the door slams in front of her then hears a slam. Ariel walks in to see Leon coughing "what happened" Ariel runs up to him. "he said carry the same blood as us" Leon say sin between coughs. Ariel helps him up and radios in hunnigan "Leon Ariel I've been able to get some new info that might help you" Hunnigan says. "fill us in" Leon takes the radio. "apparently there's a religious cult group involved They're called the los Illuminados" Hunnigan reveals.

So creative

"we had an unexpected run in with the big cheese of this village of this village" Leon says to hunnigan. "you okay right" Hunnigan asks. "yeah but he could have killed us but he let us live and he mentioned something about us carrying the same blood as them whatever that means" Leon explains. "carry the same blood Hmm Interesting" Hunnigan thinks. "anyway there's more important things than solving riddles right now" Leon says. "not batman right now" Ariel chuckles. "your right hurry and find that church" Hunnigan orders "by the way Ariel your mother says clementine is at home resting" Hunnigan reveals. "good" Ariel hangs up for Leon. "poor baby" Ariel pouts. "she's okay she's my kid too she has my genes" leon smirks. Ariel scoffs and keeps walking. Leon opens the door first then Ariel walks behind then get pushed. Leon pulls out his gun and shoots but the gun flies form his hand as the big cheese steps on Leon's chest. Ariel starts shooting but then someone from behind starts shooting. Ariel looks at the figure then the big cheese runs and jumps out the window.

No no It can't be not Ada wong

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