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Leon is putting herbs spraying her and whatever he can on it then wraps it. "alot of blood" Leon whispers to her. "I know" Ariel looks at her wound. Leon finishes wrapping up her leg tightly then sees blood coming through and adds another layer of a bandage. "can you stand" Leon asks. Ariel nods and stands up holding onto Leon. "lets just go" Ariel sighs limping down the stairs with Leon and Ashley. They walk out to see two doors. "left or right" Ariel asks. "lets go right" Leon urns the lever right then they walk inside. They keep on walking to see a giant. "come on" Ariel whispers. Leon shoots a boulder falling on the giant then Ariel and Leon keep shooting at it for a short while before killing it. They then just keep on walking

Time Skip
"you ready" Leon asks reloading his gun. "yeah" Ariel nods. Leon opens a door. "nothing" Ariel looks around. Leon turns around getting choked out again.

Damn it Leon always getting choked out

"leon" Ariel yells before the chief throws Leon into Ariel. "are you okay" Leon groans on the ground. Ariel looks at wound gushing blood. "Ariel look out" Leon flips over pushing her out of the way spilling gasoline. Ariel shoots it making her and Leon jump away. "ariel" looks at all the blood coming out "get up top I'll handle this" Leon orders before Ariel climbs up with her hands only slowly while Leon shoots the chief. "shoot the middle" Ariel yells from up top. Ariel starts shooing the middle along with Leon at mendez until he falls apart. "ew" Ariel sees his bottom half walk then fall. Ariel and Leon keep shooting the chief till he's dead. Ariel hops down landing on her stomach. Leon grabs his eye "sorry Ariel" Leon says with disgust holding the eye. Ariel stands up on her foot and drags the other. Leon hops through a hole then helps Ariel out. "are you okay" Ashley asks as they don't respond.

Time skip
"truck" Ariel yells shooting at the driver. The truck flips over as they back up near the door. "that was close" Ariel sighs. "I know" Leon takes Ariel's hand. Ariel and Leon lead Ashley to a castle then they turn around to see a crowd. "get to the other side" Ariel yells as they run across the bridge then see two levers. Leon and Ariel pull the levers and the brige closes on them. "lets go" Leon says before they follow him into the castle. "No fairies" Ariel scoffs. "maybe evil ones" Leon replies.

Time skip
Fireballs? guards? were not in this castle yet and so much already

Ariel Leon and Ashley are walking. "leon Ariel" A man yells as they turn around. "Luis" Leon calls for.

Luis not Lewis babe

"Leon's better with the ladies" Luis comments before waking off. "why are you" Leon gets interupted. "makes me feel better" Luis says before leaving.

Something is now telling me he had something to do with this think about it he's the only one not infected said something about pills he created it I bet

Leon sighs "come on babe" Leon yawns and walks through a door.

Time skip
They all hear a laughing. "i was starting wonder when you might notice us" A small man says from up top in between two creatures in cloaks. "who are you" Leon yells "Me llamo Ramon Salazar the eighth Castilian of this magnificent architecture I have been honoured with the prodigious power from the great Lord Saddler I've been expecting you my brethrens" Salazer says creepily. "no thanks bro" Leon says making Ariel want to burst out laughing but stays quiet. Salazer shakes his head "my my we've got a fiesty one if you care for you your wife and you daughter clementine's wellbeing I Suggest you surrender yourselves become our hostage Oh Mr Scott you can give us the girl because you're not worth a penny I'm afraid You can die" Salazer threatens. "excuse me" Ariel gets aggressive. Salazer walks away. "hey" Ariel yells.

Nobody mess with mama bear not even Leon Ashley shut up i'm thinking

They try to walk but something gets in the way. Ariel doesn't move from her spot because she knows its too easy and the next thing she knows the floor opens "leon" Ariel screams. "Ariel" Leon yells then runs after her but the floor closes. "no Ariel" Leon yells banging on the floor. Ariel press a button on her belt and grapples to the top but there's bothing to grab so she just keep falling until it goes dark.

Obviously this doesn't happen in resident evil 4 but I had to make some sort of twist to it

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