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"Ariel talk to me" Leon walks in with Ariel. "You'd talk to Ada" Ariel limps in her boot on the couch. "your seriously mad over something 6 years ago" Leon sits next to her. "a part of you that you can't let go ada trying to be a hero" Ariel crosses her arms. "ariel I married you because I love you till death do us part you make me smile laugh smart gave me a daughter Magical pretty Ada's the past your my past present and future" Leon holds her hand. Ariel sighs "how do you feel about her" Ariel asks. "Ariel". "Leon" Ariel sighs. no god damn it Ariel I'm in love with you" Leon tries to reason but then Ariel storms away. "Ariel I Love you if i didn't I wouldn't have married you or had clementine I Screwed up Ariel" Leon yells. Ariel sighs "no Ada mentioned in the house ever again" Ariel raises her voice. "fine" Leon nods. "sorry i'm married" Ariel scoffs. "I'm trying to be nice but reject her Ariel you just have to calm down please" Leon begs. Ariel and Leon hear a cough then walk to their daughter's room. "hey clementine" Ariel picks up her daughter. leon feels her head "warm" Leon sighs. "Leon I'm sorry for freaking out" Ariel bounces Clementine. "you and clem mean the world to me ada is just the past ok" Leon smiles at it. "I trust you" Ariel smiles back

Two years Later 2006
"I have to go" Leon's getting dressed in the dark. Ariel sighs "why" Ariel asks. "terrorist attack in pittsburgh" Leon reveals. Ariel sits up "what do i do clementine" Ariel asks. "business meeting" Leon puts on his shoes. Ariel gets up and walks over to him quietly "you have too" Ariel asks. "yeah I promise I'll be back" Leon kisses him

I Haven't returned back to work since the incident in spain yes the maternity leave but with my leg they feel like I should stay at home and relax until my physcial therapy and test run is complete I finished the therapy I just have to arrange a test run and in the mean time Leon's been going on missions non stop not by choice. Clementine misses her dad.

"I promise to also take you an romantic date for us at a good place expensive wine expensive dinner Clementine with your mom" Leon holds her close "sounds fancy" Ariel smiles. "anything for one of my favorite girls in the world" Leon leans in kissing Ariel. "party people" Clementine walks in. "time for bed" Leon picks up her. "no" Clementine shocks Ariel and Leon. "her first no" Ariel smiles. "come on kid time for bed" Leon takes Clementine back to her room and comes back. Ariel holds her mouth. "you ok" leon asks picking up his suitcase. "Yeah its just my mom she's been making clem all this food to try and I eat it" Ariel breathes in heavily. "see I never eat your mother's food and I'm perfectly healthy" leon comments. "heard my name" Ariel's mom walks in. "Melissa" Leon clears his throat.

My mom stays with me sometimes this is one of those times she's getting her house repainted

"where are you going" Melissa asks. "work Melissa" Leon looks over at Ariel

Leon's POV
I love Ariel and her sister they're great but Melissa my mother in law is a pain in my ass can't clean right can't cook right can't give Ariel a real wedding can't give her more grandchildren can't take my family on good vacations I'm just an evil man in Melissa's eyes

Athena's POV
"Okay I'll miss you" Ariel kisses Leon's lips at the door. "Love you" Leon walks out. "I don't know why you marry a man like him" Melissa asks. "mom please" Ariel walks off

Time Skip
The Phone rings. Ariel runs to answer it "hello". "mrs. Ariel kennedy" A woman says over the phone. "Yes this is she" Ariel looks around. "this is doctor smith I wanted to tell you about your results". "Okay" Ariel nods. "congratulations your pregnant".

Cliffhanger yeah I did that next book is infinite darkness and will pick off where this left off

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