Page 1 "Ok.. what just happened?"

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(3rd person POV)

Remi was going about xeir day as they normally would, not paying attention to classes and skipping some, having trouble in math, etc.

He was doing math, but decided to get some food because it was hungry.

When xie opened the door there was a portal, but they hadn't even noticed so ze ended up walking right in.

(Kuroo POV)

I was walking to a coffee shop as one would, but before I got to the store I heard a thud in an alleyway™.

Of course my curiosity kicked in and I decided to check what it was.

I turned around and peeked my head into the alleyway.

"Huh..?" I said confused

What I found lying there was... A dead body??

There was someone lying there on the ground lifeless, it had dirty blonde hair and was mid-length -- I think it's a wolf cut -- and even though I couldn't see it's face, I could tell it had sky blue eyes, and even had a sky blue dot on it's left cheek -- wonder how it got that. It was wearing a dark violet beanie, a light purple, plaid, long sleeve, and -- even though I couldn't see it -- was wearing a black tank top underneath that. It also was wearing indigo (short) shorts, and to top it all off, fuzzy mix-matched socks..? Where the heck are it's shoes??

I decided to go closer to said body, and I poked it.

Immediately it had moved "Ack! A zombie!" I yelled

"I'm not a zo-" it stopped talking the second it saw me

"Why'd you stop?" I asked

"Aw, mierda* this must be a nightmare, or dream, eh I don't know" It shrugged *mierda is shit in Spanish (please correct me if I'm wrong)

"Welp, sorry to break it to you, buuuut this is all real" I said to it -- oh wait that's a human being maybe I shouldn't be calling them that

"Oh really? Well that's what a person in my dream would say" they said with a hint of triumph, which I don't understand why..

"Okay, but would someone in your dream do... this?" I asked then immediately pinched them

"oW, rude" they said with an annoyed face

"Hey hey, you asked for it" I said laughing

"Fine, maybe I'm not dreaming, perhaps I shifted without knowing? Nah that doesn't make sense I never went to sleep, plus even when I tried to.. uh what was I -- oh yeah -- even when I tried to shift I couldn't. But maybe I've been dreaming this entire time so the reality I know is actually not real and was just a dream.. and maybe that's why-" they paused for a moment and looked at me

"Go on, this is very interesting"

"Nevermind, I'm never right anyway" they said "Well, okay, that's not true, but you get the point-"

"No, not really" I replied

"It doesn't matter, anyway what's your name?" They questioned while tilting their head

"I'm Kuroo Tetsuro" I boasted "but I'm assuming you already knew that since I'm so famous, and who might you be?"

"Well if I did know you I wouldn't have asked, but my name is Remi, I'm a DemiBoy, meaning I'm half a boy and half not, my pronouns are He/They/Xie, alsoalso I'm......... 14 and in 10th grade. Oh and another thing is I'm American" xie rambled, pausing every now and again to recollect their thoughts "that's about anything you need to know"

"Oh, nice, I go by he/him by the way" I said smiling. I then reach my hand out "Nice to meet you Remi"

They stared at my hand for a moment then smacked it.

"Hey! What was that for?" I asked angrily rubbing my hand

"Dunno, just seemed like it was right" he shrugged

"That's not a very good reason y'know.. " I said glaring at him

"Kay, bye then" xie said while walking past me

I stood there for a few seconds, stumped

But a couple seconds later I heard

"Wait, I just realized something" it was the same person from before

"What? That you like me?" I said smirking

They stood there silent for a moment

"I legit just smacked your ha-" they stopped "Whatever, anyway I realized I have nowhere to go because I'm not from this universe"

"Wait, what-?" I asked

[BOOM FIRST EPISODE THINGY DONEEEE. Also if you couldn't tell, the parts where there were no spaces were a faster-paced talking speed, and the "...." was pausing to either recollect thoughts, or to breathe. (Do note that there is other meanings/uses for these things it's just that's what they were used for when I was talking) Sorry it's short :p I hope you enjoyed, btw this is probably gonna be complete random stuff bc I have no idea where I'm going with this. Word count: 736.]

Yours fruity,

Wait, I'm where? (Book 1: Nekoma) (Haikyū!!)Where stories live. Discover now