Page 15.5 "Dream on" (filler page)

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(Remi POV)

I was walking around the thrift store I usually go to when suddenly I see something... Immaculate. What was it you ask? A part of a cosplay. A part of a Nezuko cosplay (the kimono). I don't remember when, but at some point I wanted to cosplay her.. I have the memory of telling it to my dad, but when? Eh.. doesn't matter, let's just grab this and keep looking around.

I grab the pink kimono and keep looking around.

I then see a Haori (I believe that's what it's called, it's the jacket that Nezuko, Tanjiro, etc. wear).

Oh that must be part of the Nezuko cosplay.

As I reach closer to it though I realize it's not.

What a shame, this looks like Tanjiro's. But wait, wasn't it brown a second ago..? Hmm, whatever.

I skip over the Haori and continue looking. I'm now over by the sock section.

Hmm, I don't remember there being a sock section, weird.

I look through the pile of socks. Black and white striped ones, plain black, etc. etc. Ooh red and black, I don't have a pair of those.. lemme take them.. ooh and light blue and black too. I continue taking some socks and stuffing them.. somewhere? Where did I just put them?

I then go over to my dad to ask to buy it all. Wait now I only have the kimono, lemme go get the socks I left on that recliner. Why didn't I just carry them though?

I walk back over to the recliner, now there's more socks, where did they come from? I begin searching for the socks I picked up. Aww man someone must've taken some of the socks cause now I only have the light blue and black pair.

I then go back to--

"..ral! KORRAL!" I wake up to my teacher yelling my name

Ohh, it was a dream, I see.

"Mr. Korral, do you mind explaining why you were sleeping in my classroom?" Mr. Akio questions

"Uh- I'm sorry sir, I normally don't fall asleep..." I reply, mumbling a bit.

"Make sure you're paying more attention. Exams are coming soon, you may have just transferred here, but you still have to take them." Mr. Akio sighs, then goes back to teaching.

"And now I'll explain why the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."

Bro if I'm still here for exams I'm gonna flunk.

~Timeskip (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)~

I was back at my swim pool that I normally go to, and our coach had separated us into two teams, a red and a blue one. I don't know which team is which so I go ask.

"Hey, what team are you on?" I ask him

He shrugs in response. I knew he did know though, how dare he.

Suddenly, we're in the pool now. And I'm drowning the team captain. Fun.

I then became the blue team captain, so I guess that's what team he was on.

It seems the scene changed again, the coach is now explaining the relays. I'm not in one.

Tsk how annoying, I should dr-

"..alllllll! wakey wakey schools over." Lev says, shaking me awake.

Awh man, I wanted to drown the coach too. What a shame. I think to myself while rubbing my eyes.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realize I fell asleep." I sigh

"Mmmmmkaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy, welp I'ma go to volleyball practice now. Cyaaaaaaa" Lev waves goodbye.

I then wave back..

[I. Yeah. Um. This sucks. I'm lazy. I didn't know what else to do................ It's a filler page mk? I just wanna get to tomorrow/just finish the book. I might add more.. probably not tho. I remember I had more to add.. but I forgor. I will have another page out soon tho and it'll be bigger and better (hopefully) (⁠人⁠*⁠'⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚ Word count: 586]

Yours fruity,

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