Page 9 "Lunch talk" (plus A/N)

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(Btw I'm homeschooled and don't know how public/private schools work so please correct me if I did something wrong)

(Remi POV)

*Ding dong dang dong*

The school bell rang signalling it was lunch time

My first class and homeroom had been with Lev, which I don't really know if that's lucky or unlucky. I thought to myself as I headed to my locker

Also, my locker is in the same row as Lev, but an okay amount apart. I'd say about one Lev laying down apart.

After going to my locker I tried looking for Lev but couldn't find him

Must've already gone to the roof

And so I then headed to the roof -- where Kuroo had told me to go at lunchtime.

(Also, I understand normally you aren't aloud to go on the school rooftop but uh.. NOT THIS SCHOOL IG? Idk I've just like always wanted to be/eat on a rooftop)

~Timeskip to when Remi got to the roof~

(Yaku POV)

"No you tin-headed titan, you can't just eat your sandwich in one bite" I said, shaking my head

"But it would be faster" Lev insisted

"But you would choke on it, and die"

Lev was silent for a moment and thought a bit, for once in his entire life.

During the time that Lev was thinking Korral had entered the roof area.

"Hello Yaku-Senpai, Lev" Korral said slightly bowing

"Hello Korral"

"Hey Korral" Lev said snapping out of his trance "By the way, do you think it would be a good idea to eat my sandwich in one bite?"

"Well you would probably choke on it and die, which wouldn't be that bad, but it would probably be a lot of paperwork and no one wants to do that, so no." Korral replied, shrugging at the end

"Awh, even you don't agree with me." Lev pouted

Kuroo then entered the rooftop.

"Hey everyone, sorry I was a bit slow today, I had some fans holding me up"

"You? Having fans? Please" Korral retorted

"I can bring them up if you're so doubtful" Kuroo started "or maybe you'd get jealous?"

Korral gags

"No way. Also, I don't want to meet any of your 'fans' if they like you then they're crazy"

"But Bokutō likes me"

"Okay, besides Bokutō"

"Y'know what, you're being mean to me, so I'm not gonna give you your bento" Kuroo said sitting down in our circle then crossed his arms

Korral scoffs then says "Y'know what, I don't care, because I shouldn't be having lunch anyway"

"Huh? Waiht, why?" Lev asked with a mouth-full of sandwich

"Well, I mean, I skipped breakfast and made it this far without food, so I might as well just fast." Korral shrugged

"HUH??!! YOU DIDN'T HAVE BREAKFAST?!?" Lev shouted

"Yeah..? That's not that bad" Korral said, a bit confused

"Wait, why didn't you tell me you didn't have breakfast??" Kuroo said

"Cause I didn't..?" Korral questioned tilting xier head

"You can't just skip breakfast! That's the most important meal of the day" Kuroo says taking two bentos out of his bag and handing one to Korral "You need to eat, Remi"


"Eat the goddamn bento" Kuroo insisted

Korral sighs "Fine, but only because you quoted something"

"Quoted something-? I mean yeah, I knew that" Kuroo said as Korral takes the bento

"By the way, why do you even have xier bento?" I asked

"Oh right, Remi and I had a sleepover" Kuroo answered

"You two had a sleepover?? Lucky, I haven't even been to Kuroo's house" Lev pouted

"Really? Korral, you seem like you hate Kuroo though"

"Well, I don't hate him, he's just annoying as hell" They started "Anyway, no more questions it's a long story"

"Come on Kenma, do we really have to do this everyday?" Yamamoto asked as he dragged Kenma through the rooftop door

Kenma sighs deeply

"Oh, Hello Kenma-senpai! Hey Yamamoto" Korral waved at them

Kenma gives Korral a small wave

"Hey guys!" Yamamoto greeted everyone 

"By the way Korral, why'd you only call Kenma 'senpai'?" Yamamoto pouted

"Because unlike you and Kuroo, I respect Kenma-senpai" Korral stated

"But I'm also your upperclassman, and it really isn't about respect.." Yamamoto pouted more


Then Yamamoto sat down in-between Lev and I and Kenma sat in-between Korral and I

"Kenmaaa, enough playing your game, eat some food" Kuroo said taking a bite of his own food

"Didn't bring any" Kenma muttered

"I thought you'd say that" Kuroo took out another bento and handed it to Kenma "I mean, you do say that everytime"

Kenma sighed then paused his game and took the bento

"You're lucky I wasn't playing in an online match" Kenma said

"Yeah yeah"

Kenma then began to eat.

~Timeskip to a little bit before everyone finished eating~

(Remi POV)

Everyone besides Kenma and Yamamoto had finished eating so we were still on the roof talking.

"So, what do you guys normally do after school besides volleyball?" I asked

Bet they go on double dates /j

"Normally we just go home, or to the mall or something" Kuroo started "Why do you ask?"

I shrugged "Just wanted to know"

"What do you normally do Korral?" Lev asked

"I normally go to my basement and play on my laptop, but if I end at like 3 or something then I normally just go to my swim -- if of course I have swim." I replied

"Do you not always end at the same time everyday?" Yaku then questioned

"Yeah, or I used to, because I used to be homeschooled"

"Aww man you were so lucky" Lev said

[Back to the shorter chapters 😢. I had more to add, but I forgot what it was *insert more crying here*. I might add it later though, I'm a bit tired now. I shall be taking a "short" hiatus till at least new years, but it'll probably be longer bc I don't know where to go from now .,_,. *Cries in Spain without the s* Word count: 941]

Yours fruity,

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