Page 17 "Bring on the monsters"

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(Remi POV)

🎶🎵-- I'll be back next summer, I'll be back next summer.🎵🎶

And with that, it's the end. Of the lightning thief soundtrack I mean. I'd say silence then fills the air, but unfortunately Bokutō snores so that's not the case.

"Yes, Mr. Princess Akaashi, I would like to go to your sand castle tonight." Bokutō mumbles sleepily.

Yeah, he sleep talks too.

"Jeezus-" Akaashi sits up quickly.

"You good man?" I ask, also sitting up.

"Oh, Bokutō-san freaked me out cause he was staring at me, well sorta." He replies, a bit confused himself.

"Damn, guess he sleeps with his eyes open?" I question, a bit surprised.

"Yep, it's creepy sometimes.." he sighs and flops back down onto the pillow. "So, when do you plan on going back, if ever?"

"Oh.. well, I don't know to be honest. It wasn't really by choice that I came here. So, I don't know when or if I'll leave." I answer. "Wait.. when did I tell you about that?

"Mhm, I see.." Akaashi yawns

"Why do you ask?"


"And when did I tell you about that..?"


"Akaashi? You there?"

Guess he fell asleep..?

I continue to stare at the ceiling when suddenly is see a blue light behind the love seat.

I sit up to get a better look, and there it is. A portal.

Well, that sure is a coincidence. Oh. Wait, I guess this is it then? That's probably my way back... or it'll be to my death, or another universe. Who knows. I sigh then stand up.

I grab a pen and paper from the table and start writing a note.

Dear everyone,
Thank you for everything.

I pause then look at the portal, thinking of how to explain everything. But when I look at it, it begins shrinking.

I should hurry.

I quickly scribble my initials K.R. in big letters, I turn around and grab the two plushies Akaashi gave me. Then I jump over the love seat (cause I'm cool like that 😏) and go ahead first into the portal.

~Zhoooooom - pop!~

And there I was, back in my room.

Oh shoot, my family was probably worried about me, I'll have to explain what happened.

I open the door and go out to the living room.

"And she finally emerges from her room!" my mom exclaims sarcastically

That's weird, she isn't gonna question it? Then.. did it even happen? I'm sure it did...

"I forgot what I was gonna get." I say then turn around and go back to my room.

Once I get back I go to check my phone.

August 13th... Same day as I left......

So then, was it all.. fake? But it felt so real...

I then turn to the door, and I see the two plushies on the ground near it.

So it wasn't a dream.

I pick up the Bokutō and Tendō plushies and carefully place them in my bed.

Well, I guess that's it though, it was fun while it lasted.

~𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉~

...or is it?

Extra 1 "My R is relatable."

(Yaku POV)

After heading down the stairs I realized I was the last person to wake up. Everyone was surrounding the coffee table with shocked expressions. But where's Korral?

"What's wrong?" I ask

I then go over to the coffee table and Kenma hands me a note.

Dear everyone,
Thank you for everything.


What..? "Thank you for everything"... "K.R."? Korral Remi. No.. he didn't.. did they?

I then drop to the floor and tears begin rolling down my cheeks. (Drama queen much 🖐️🙄)

"Did xie..?"

"We think so... We can't find them anywhere." Kuroo replies, looking down.

I can't believe it. They killed himself? Why..?

Extra 2 "Sneezy"

(Remi POV)

Once again I sneeze.

Bro, why do I keep sneezing? Is someone talking shit about me or something? Oh yeah, now that I think about it. I wonder if the others think I killed myself.... Since all I wrote was "thank you for everything", and kinda disappeared off the face of the earth.. Ah well, I'm sure it's fine. I mean, who would assume that??

I then roll over and continue reading a wattpad fanfic.

[Boom baby. That's it. The end. Yippee. Fun. Okay. Maybe it's not. Or maybe it is. We'll never know. Sorry this was a bit short btw.. and kinda sucky. Also, again, I'm too lazy to check this rn, but I will later, I swear. (Maybe) Anygays, if you have unanswered questions, feel free to ask! Word count: 666 (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)]

Yours fruity,

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