Page 14.67 "Extra, extra, read all about it" (Shooping extras/epilogue)

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~Extra 1 "So you just gon' bring me a birthday gift on my birthday, to my birthday party, on my birthday, with a birthday gift?"~

(Remi POV)

We were getting ready to part ways when Akaashi came up to me.

"Korral, I saw how you were looking at some things in the merch store, so I bought them to thank you for helping me today." Akaashi said as he took out a small bag from his backpack

I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands as he takes out a Bokutō plush.

"I know how much you like Bokutō-san. So, I got you him.." Akaashi states, then puts the plush back inside to grab another one. "..and the satanic version"

I gasp even more as tears begin to form in my eyes.

"Thank you so much Akaashi-senpai! You really shouldn't have." I wipe away my tears

I don't even know if I'll be able to bring these back to my universe. :,) Of course, that is if I ever get back.

"Mm.. it's really nothing, there's no need to cry. They're pretty cheap anyway" Akaashi mutters

"But wasn't it like 2,000 yen each??" I start panicking at the price

"That's only about 15 U.S. dollars, it's really no problem Korral" Akaashi comforts

"I mean, I guess that's not too much, but still, you spent 30 dollars on me!" I exclaim "That's way too much to spend for me"

"I really don't mind Korral, please don't worry about it" Akaashi says as he hands me the plastic bag with the plushies in it

I reluctantly take it, even though it wasn't much money, it still felt like I shouldn't take the gift.

"Thank you so much Akaashi-senpai, I really do appreciate the gifts" I bow

"Your welcome, Korral" Akaashi smiles

Oh. My. Asahi. Too. Pure. Send. Help.

"Hey, you ready to go, Remi?" Kuroo asks walking over to us

"Bruh chill, I don't know why you in such a big time rush" I smirk, then turn to air and point finger guns to 'the camera' "ah ah ahah aaaahhh~"

"Again with the big time rush?" Kuroo questions as I turn back around

"Again with the living under a rock?" I answer with another question

"Oh, heh, I get it" Akaashi chuckles

"Dang, even Akaashi-senpai is cultured enough to get it" I shake my head and cross my arms

"Wait, hold up, where'd you get that bag from?" Kuroo asks

"Oh, Akaashi-senpai gave me a gift." I reply

"Aha! I thought that's why he went back into that store. Welp, I was gonna wait to give you my gift with Bokutō, but since 'Kaashi gave you his present now, I'll give you mine." Kuroo smirks as he pulls out a bag from his backpack

I tilt my head in confusion. Another gift? One was surprising enough.

Kuroo tosses me the bag and I open it and take out a.. thing?

What is.. -- no. way.

"Tada! It's that dress, I saw how much you liked it so I gotchu one!" Kuroo explains

It was the dress from before! It's so frickin' cuuteee eee!

"Thank you so much Kuroo!" I exclaim and go over to hug him "I'll wear it everyday from now on!"

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