Page 3 "School"

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(Kuroo POV)

After we finished eating Remi fell silent for a moment, and looked as though he was thinking. (A/N if that's even possible)

Then they turned to me

"While I'm here I'm gonna go to your school" Remi said bluntly

"Ooh alright then, you gonna join the volleyball Club?" I asked leaning on my hand

"Heck nah, I'm terrible at volleyball, swimming is my sport" Remi replied

"Okay, but have you even tried playing?" I asked

"I have indeed, though it was a two on two at the time, but I was still terrible at it" Remi said crossing xier arms

I pouted "Awh c'monnnn. I say you should try again, volleyball isn't so hard y'know?"

"Kuroo, it's very hard" Remi protested

"Remi, I'm a volleyball player, it's not that hard" I said leaning back on my stool

A little too far back though.


"Well that was stupid." Remi giggled hopping down from their stool

"Oh, shut up." I said annoyed

Remi held out a hand, to help me up "C'mon get up"

I take their hand and he pulls me up

"Gosh, you're so heavy"

"You're just weak" I said

"Nuh-uh" Remi said shaking xier head

I sigh "Anyway, I say you give volleyball another try. I'll even help you practice~"

"Nope, after five seconds I'll just flop onto the flo-" Remi stopped in the middle of their sentence

"What? Why'd you stop?" I asked very confused

"Ughhhhh, I forgot I don't have my stupid iron pills, now I won't even last a second" He said slumping over

"Hm? Don't worry we have some because my grandma has low iron" I said

"Oh. Oh, okay then-" Remi said "I guess that solves that then"

I chuckled a bit

"Anyway, sign me up for your school right now." xie said bluntly, again

"Okay okay, but don't you know how to yourself?" I asked

"Not one bit, I've been homeschooled my entire life" Remi said

"oOo, that's cool, how is it?" I asked starting to go back upstairs

"It's great, I can start whenever I want, end earlier than normal schools, not pay attention, and no one would even know" Remi replied as if he was talking about heaven

"Wow, seems pretty nice." I said

"Indeed it is."

We reached the top of the stairs then headed into my room.

When we got into my room Remi started to look around while I went to my computer

~ Timeskip to after Kuroo signed Remi up for school~

(Remi POV)

"Aaaand done! You're transfer application has been sent" Kuroo said clicking on the send button

"You really can learn a lot about someone through their application" he said

"Yeah, some of those questions I have no idea why they asked" I said still confused as fu-

"It'll probably make sense for you later" Kuroo said spinning around in his chair

"Welp, guess that's it, goodnight Kuroo" I said starting to leave the room

"Huh? You're going to bed this early? It's the weekend tomorrow so we can stay up late" Kuroo said, then stopped spinning

"Oh, right, okay then, what do you wanna do?" I asked, tilting my head

"Hmm, wanna play Kario Mart?" Kuroo asked getting up from his chair

"Kario? -- oh! -- Heck yeah!" I said "Race you downstairs?"

I opened the door and started sprinting downstairs

"Hey! No fair you got a head start!" Kuroo said, lagging behind me


"LOW IRON MY ASS" Kuroo yelled


When I got to the bottom of the stairs I swung open the basement door and sprinted down the stairs -- yet somehow I didn't fall.

"Boo-ya!" I said "I beat you, mwuahahahahaha."

I then fell over onto the floor in total exhaustion.

"Totally worth it." I said sticking a thumbs up in the air

"Hmph." Kuroo pouted

He then walked over to the tv and the Wii then turned them both on.

"Oh my Asahi, you have it on the Wii too?" I immediately shot up "Glad I'm not the only one who plays on a dinosaur console."

Kuroo turned to me slowly

"Wait.. How do you know Asahi?" Kuroo asked

Oh magi-karp he's figured me out.

"Hm? I didn't say Asahi, I said Aizawa" I said "You must be hearing things"

Maybe if I lie, he'll just think he missheard me.

"Hmm, okay then" Kuroo shrugged, then turned back to the tv

Whew, I'm surprised that worked.

He then grabbed two Wii remotes and two joysticks then handed me a remote and joystick.

"Oh I don't use the joysticks, it's too hard for me." I unplugged the joystick from my controller then put it off to the side

Kuroo stared at me

"Did I just invite a psychopath into my house?" Kuroo asked both himself and me

"Wha-?? Rude, I'm not a psychopath" I said crossing my arms and turning my head the other way

"Anyone who plays without a joystick is a psychopath, that's why I've never invited to play with Bokutō ever since he said he doesn't play with a joystick" Kuroo said

"Y'know what, how about we test something, I play how I normally do, and you play how you normally do, whoever wins the most races is the right person. Meaning if I win I can continue not using a joystick, along with others, and if you win I'll use one, deal?" I said to Kuroo

"Deal" said Kuroo in less than a second

Him not even thinking twice about it makes me nervous that he's actually really good... Oh well. Lol

[Dun dun dunnnn! Who do you think will win? My bet is on Kuroo. Hope you enjoyed! Also don't you dare question how I was able to get into the school within three days. Mk? It's um.. ✨Gacha logic✨ (even tho this isn't Gacha-). Word count: 948]

[Edit: When I originally made this, I didn't use a joystick, but now I do (it's actually a lot easier too ._.). But since that's like half the story I'm keeping it as is (also I'm hella lazy and don't wanna change it, tho I could swap it and say Kuroo is the one who doesn't play with a joystick? What do y'all think? For now tho, I'ma keep it the same)]

Yours fruity,

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