Chapter Four

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I will be updating every two or three days! So there will be many regular updates!!!! Hope you are all enjoying the new version, if you are new, hope you are liking!!!!

This chapter is a bit longer than the others... I don't think other chapters will be as long as this one!

Please comment below and give me your thoughts on the new version or what you are thinking! I would love to hear from everybody!!!

Chapter Four:

If I was being honest, I was a little embarrassed at just how long I spent lying down on the bed. Eyes closed, in a whole new sort of relaxing state. The feathery pillow and cushioned mattress was nothing I had ever imagined before. Even my fathers bed back home was nowhere near in some luxurious state just like this one. I knew the first thing I would buy with the ten thousand dollars would be an appropriate bed, just like this one, for all five of us.

Carter let out a loud sigh and I opened my eyes, turning to the left and took him in. He laid with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. Smiling at the sight, I let out a breathless laugh, "I never want to leave this room."

"I'd be happy just staying here permanently." He opened his eyes and turned to me, giving me a lopsided smile. "This is all the reward I will ever need."

"I mean, ten thousand dollars though."

He paused for a moment before conceding. "Okay, but for now, this is all I need."

I snorted and he smiled, his face lighting up. He opened his mouth to say something else but I never found out what he intended to say when a female animated announcement suddenly echoed through the room from speakers I could now see in the corner.

"All Resdue contestants must immediately report to the main hall where dinner will be served promptly. We will not tolerate any tardiness and expect everyone there within five minutes."

I frowned and turned to Carter who let out a loud groan of complaint. Stilling for a moment, he punched the bed before reluctantly stretching his arms above him and sat up. I laughed watching him. 

He rolled his eyes, running a hand through his messy long, light brown hair and turned to me with sad eyes. "I guess we have to come back to this later."

I laughed before sitting up but paused, watching Carter put his shoes on. He glanced up to me concerned. "What's wrong?"

I looked at him and asked hesitantly. Hopefully. "Did they say dinner?"

. . .

It was surprising to see many vacated seats along the dining hall tables that sat in large rows all parallel to each other. No chairs were seen, but instead, contrasting with the dark oak floor, a light wooden bench was lined along the long, extensive tables.

I paused in my footsteps, I was rooted in place. My mouth salivated and my stomach growled inside of me from all the food. Every single table was lined with rows of different food along them. 

My eyes widened at the diverse varieties that aligned each table and what was on offer for everyone. Taking a deep breath, a moan threatened to be released from all the delicious, sweet aroma that took over the dining hall.

I could hardly remember the last time I had a meal that resembled anything like this. If I was lucky I would have a single meal a day, if not, only eat once every few days from the limited crops we had. And it would always be the bland, half rotten mash potatoes that we carefully rationed, distributing between my brothers and parents.

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