Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:

The finest fish to have been known laid before me, perfect with its cracked skin, crunchy at touch with the whiff of seasoning that caused a roaring in my stomach. A perfect garden salad laid beside it with perfectly small rounded baby tomatoes that I had never seen before.

"Blue." My stare left the food before me and turned to Carter who was staring at me with an amused smile. "Pass the salt." I narrowed my eyes playfully at his demand whilst begrudgingly grabbing the salt beside my plate and handing it to him.

"Blue?" Questioned Jarvis from across from me.

Looking up at him, his eyes scrunched in confusion glancing at Carter weirdly. I laughed and his gaze diverted to my own. I shrugged my indifference to the nickname.

We conversed in conversation, talking about our home lives. It made me smile as Jarvis told me small stories about him and Logan when they were younger. It was cute that despite everything they had managed to come here together rather than paired with someone they did not know. But when I glanced at Carter, I knew it was not a bad thing, and the similar look in his eyes simply told me that he agreed.

But it was after a bit when I saw Lucy walking in the hall along with Shaun that I smiled and raised a hand. Instantly, her eyes met mine and my smile widened watching her and Shaun make their way over.

"Hey, Bryce," smiled Lucy brightly, taking a seat beside Jarvis who looked to her in shock, eyes widening. Shaun trailed around the table and sat beside me giving me a nudge in greeting.

"Hey, Ry," he smiled warmly at me, his dimple clearly showing and his golden locks ruffled on his head which looked good on him.

"Hey, Goldilocks," I nudged him back, making him laugh at the nickname. I began calling him that a few days back when we had sat around the Gym Hall doing nothing.

From the corner of my eye, Carter clenched his jaw tightly, his cheek bone even more defined as he did so. His eyes stared intently at Shaun with a sort of fire that seemed like he did not like Shaun one bit. I was confused and looked up to see Shaun still with an unfazed smile as he held out a hand in front of me to Carter.

"Hey, I'm Shaun, you must be Carter, right?"

Carter's jaw remained clenched as he nodded his head slightly and gave me a curt smile. Shaun seemed to get the message Carter was sending and pulled his hand back disappointed and confused.

Turning to Carter, I tilted my head in confusion, a hard look on my face but he shook his own glancing away from me. Instantly, I could feel the tension on the table as no one spoke and Logan's and Jarvis's eyes trailed from Carter and Shaun in confusion from in front of me.

No longer being able to stand the tension I gestured to Lucy. "Guys this is Lucy, and Shaun," my hand turned to Shaun beside me.

I was quick to introduce the pair to the two boys and instantly they clicked. With Lucy's bubbly personality and Shaun's playfulness, they really complemented each other and easily thrived in the conversation.

"How did you guys meet?" Jarvis asked cautiously, trying to lighten the mood, around a mouthful of food.

I cringed.

"You're disgusting," Logan slapped him across the head. Instantly Jarvis began coughing as he choked on some of the food, his hand rising to clutch his chest. I could not help but laugh hysterically at his expression, Logan slamming on his back before he could finally swallow.

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