Chapter Two

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A/N: CHAPTER TWOOOO! I Will be updating to Chapter 3 as of right now before publishing a chapter every TWO or THREE days! There will be no misses on days!!!!!

Please comment below and give me your thoughts on the new version or what you are thinking! I would love to hear from everybody!!!

Chapter Two:

I stood before the mayor's office, a single backpack slung over my shoulder, this time clothed appropriately and dry, and surrounded by many people. Glancing towards the front, the man himself stood on the steps of his brown wooden office, cladded with his white uniform, perfectly pressed and ironed.

He stood straight, pulling at his pure white pants. He glowed, standing out on the dark, dull wet day. My boots were covered with mud from the week long rain a few days ago and I subconsciously brushed at the jacket on me and swiped my hands on my pants, fully knowing all the dust and dirt that coated me.

I could not help but cringe at the smell of smoke and gas in the air from the polluted town. Ever since the barbaric war took place between the Northern and Southern hemisphere we have all been forced to deal with the consequences of the war. The war had taken place in the northern part of our country where the Resdue was held, which was not too far from Redlake. But because Redlake was close, we had become a major town that began to house hundreds and thousands of soldiers. Consequently, that led to the overpopulation of the poor and unfortunate that lived with us.

It was a time where we lived more comfortably as we sold and supplied food to the soldiers, along with many others like the infamous blacksmiths, which explained the smell of smoke in the air. However, that smell never left and settled into every ridge and crevice within this town. 

Many other people thrived with them in town, but none of us realised at the time that it was because of them, the soldiers, we suffered dearly now with limited supplies. They had both bought and consumed all the crops we had to spare and caused us to live through a long period with hardly any food for anyone.

These days, we were lucky to make over twenty dollars a week. Some weeks, we would get such little money that we would suffer dearly and experience days without eating or cleaning ourselves. 

The only good thing about these storms was the water supply we would be getting right now.

I only managed to clean off some of the fresh grime that laid on me like a second layer of skin. Lifting my hand to my face, I rubbed it softly praying I did not have any dirt coating it as the Mayor began speaking.

"Welcome everyone, I just want to say a big congratulations for gathering the courage to participate in this year's Resdue." He continued to adjust his much too big pants, coughing into his meaty palm before continuing. "Like every year, we will be assigning partners at random before you will be sent off within the hour."

Because of the amount of participants each year, they always pair up people at random to participate. It was always done through people who lived in the same general area and signed on the same sign up sheet. Redlake was the main town centre within a twenty mile radius in the middle of nowhere.

I tapped my fingers nervously on my thigh, my eyes darting around, glancing to my left where I saw Daniel staring sadly, a tight grip on Thunder's lead beside him as he made sure that for some reason he wouldn't go running off. 

Or more likely grabbed by another townsmen. 

They have tried it before.

Smiling grimly, nervously, I looked back to the Mayor holding a long list in his hands and tuned out the multiple names he began listing. I kept thinking of the final words Daniel had said to me before I joined the gathering.

'Keep your wits, you're smart, trust your instinct and no matter what, always keep fighting.'

Trust your instinct, I kept telling myself, repeating it over and over again in my mind. I briefly registered movement around me as people began moving around and trying to locate their partner, the Mayor continuing to read off names. But it was when he said my name that I froze, the tapping of my finger coming to a pause as my nerves kicked in.

"Bryce Henson and Carter Millers."

I looked up, shaking my head escaping my thoughts. I recognised that name. Glancing around, I looked for the familiar head of the boy with light brown hair who was constantly covered with smudges of soot.

Moving around, searching, I looked for the blacksmith's son.

Pausing at the sight of him, just metres in front of me, I watched him turn taking in his height, at least a foot taller than me, arms covered in clear rippling muscles shown through the long sleeve of his dark black long sleeved shirt, and bright emerald green eyes made contact with mine.

I felt a breath of air leave my lungs at the sight of him and the intense gaze he had as he stared down at me. There was no denying my surprise at the sight of smooth skin on his face, clear, not covered in soot. 

Clearly he actually cleaned up for this event.

But what I did not expect was to see the handsome face beneath.

He offered me a small, shy, smile before guiding himself through the throng of people, his hands in his black pants pockets with a large bag strapped across his back. He paused just before me, narrowly avoiding crashing into someone as he took a hand out of his pocket and held it out towards me. "Carter Millers."

I stared at his hand for a moment, wearily. I could see callouses covering his hands, and multiple burn scars, no doubt from the labour work he would be doing as the blacksmith's son. Trailing my eyes, slowly back up to his, I saw a hesitant smile on his face.

I took his hand, smiling softly, "Bryce Henson."

In the distance, I heard the rolling of busses enter Redlake. Flinching at the noise, I broke contact with Carter's hand and turned around watching the large metal chutes aligned with windows come to a screeching halt before us, surprised when I counted that there were four of them. 

Much more than usual.

Glancing around, it was obvious there were more people here than usual.

A click echoed through the quiet town who had stopped to watch the busses, and we all watched in awe as the bus door opened to see a velvet carpeted floor inside and a bus driver clad in an official black uniform.

The mayor desperately tried to gather everyone's attention as he handed everyone important envelopes that were directly addressed to each pair with pinpoint instructions inside for when we arrived at the Resdue. 

But hardly anyone paid him attention and instead paused, settling their gaze on the reminder of the old world that stood before us. 

A world that no longer existed amongst us.

"Good luck!" The Major called out as everyone began making their way to the bus.

Glancing behind me, I made eye contact with Daniel who nodded once and saw him whisper, good luck. Smiling, I turned to Carter who looked down at me.

"Ready?" He asked with a nervous smile.

I nodded, "Ready."

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