Chapter Sixteen

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So sorry for the late update!!! This chapter is a bit shorter but really cuteeee.

Please comment below and give me your thoughts on the new version or what you are thinking! I would love to hear from everybody!!!

Chapter Sixteen:

"What are we doing here?" I nervously glanced around as we trailed on a dirt track behind the facilities that the Resdue had to offer.

Overhead, beyond the large tall trees that coated the path in darkness, the black sky above had small streaks of moonlight which fell onto my face, illuminating some of the path and the outline of Carter's body in front of me. A cool breeze blew enlightening chills bumps on my skin. I regretted not bringing a jacket with me.

Carter confidently strolled ahead, pulling away at long leaves. I cringed at the sight of webs looming above me and even covering the path before me. Narrowly, I avoided a large one, ducking just in time as Carter looked at me with an amused smile and laughed at me dodging the invisible threads.

Although, the supposed path we trailed on would not be what you considered a path. It was more a narrow layer of gravel and ingrown roots, barely wide enough to fit us as we followed along it. The lights from the buildings behind me were long gone. We had walked much further than I had anticipated.

"Almost there," Carter offered. I frowned as the gravel kicked under my shoes. "You aren't trying to kill me are you?"

I more heard than saw the smile on Carter's face, "Now, why would I do such a thing?"

"I don't know," I replied feeling nervous again all of a sudden. "Just remember you need me alive more than dead."

He let out a small deep chuckle that made my toes curl from within my shoes. "I'll keep that in mind."

I could not help the smile that rose on my face.

We continued walking for a few minutes longer before we came across a clearing beyond the treeline. It was a small space of flat land with tall grass reaching just under my knees. It felt odd and my legs tingled from the feel of the grass sensitively. The floor was slightly damp as we walked across it and the shadows of the large tree from the opposite side of the clearing neared my feet. I stepped further in.

I looked towards Carter confused as to why he brought me here but froze at the sight before me. He looked down to me, a smile on his face as his eyes sparkled under the moon's light. My eyes trailed over him in wonder. A flutter grew in my chest at the curve of his jawline and just how smooth his face seemed. The small dimple on his right cheek was obvious when his head tilted, a lopsided grin now showing.

I gestured around me, "Is this it?"

But I did like it. It was away from the Resdue and isolated. I should probably be more concerned as to why he brought me so far away from everything. But there was something about the quiet out here. How the only noise of buzzing insects awaking in the night and the sound of the soft wind blowing through the leaves calmed me.

It reminded me of home.

How it was like on the farm.

I preferred the isolation. I felt as if I could finally breathe and think for myself. I was not surrounded by people and hearing the constant bickering outside my doors, in the hallways, the main hall and the facilities I used. Subconsciously, my eyes closed, my lungs inflating deeply before I let them go. Everything smelt so clean, so fresh, so new. No pollution in the air, no nothing to bother with. My mind relaxed, the loud thoughts now silent.

The cold breeze was more numbing now. I revelled in the peace.

I felt free.

Like there was no responsibility on me. No pressure of the next awaiting test. And I loved it. If I could, I would choose to stay here forever, just to pause time and forget reality.

I almost forgot I was not alone when Carter's voice ran through the clearing, scaring me. "Not exactly."

My eyes opened.

Spinning on my heel, I jumped when a hand was suddenly on my wrist. Carter grinned widely, sensing my fear. Slowly, he took a few steps back not hearing my heart race as he led us to the middle of the clearing. And so quickly, he sank to his knees, bringing me with him before he shoved me onto my back.

I groaned as my back made heavy with the ground and groaned, my eyes closing in pain. "You bastard-"

The words froze on my lips as my eyes opened.

It was not the moon that was giving so much light. My eyes widened at the thousands, tens of thousands- no, millions of stars above. This was nothing to what I could see back at the Resdue headquarters. The unnatural lights there were like a veil to the world above.

A galaxy of stars filled the night above me. I could hardly see the black and dark blue of the night with the amount of stars above. But was truly so beautiful was the thick line of purple and black running through the middle of it all. The stars intertwined together. Some small specks, other dark spots of white, along with patches of purple that danced in between them.

Some areas were darker than the rest, but the sky above in the clearing, cloudless obstructed nothing from view. Not unlike Redlake where the sky was constantly covered in a cloud of smoke.

The sky was so bright it was almost blinding. But my eyes widened ever so more. I tried to take it all in. I desperately tried drinking it in.

It consumed me.

A smile raised to my lips and I lifted a single hand towards the air. As if I could touch the stars, the beautiful colour of the night, the purple and black and hints of blue. Desperately, I tried grabbing it. But when I peered at my hand, it fell empty.

A laugh illuminated from beside me and I turned to Carter's scrunched up face, his smile wide as he laughed at me. I could not help but laugh with him as my head exploded with colour and light. Happiness bloomed within me.

"This- its-" I did not have the words for it.

So instead, I grabbed his hand beside mine firmly in my grasp. Surprising myself more than him and squeezed gently, a smile rising on his face. "Thank you," I whispered.

The smile never left his face as he squeezed back. "You're welcome." He paused for a moment, "For not killing you." Laughter bubbled from my throat, a snort, and he began to mock me and make fun of me.

He never once let go of my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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