Special Chapter Part 1

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A/N; I dedicated this chapter to zanestar_logic..sorry it took a month to get finished but here you go :3

Third person's POV.

After the mild encounter on Salem's pawns and received a bunch of scoldings to her guardians, the Goddess decided to take a break and take a calm stroll around Vale. Penny is asking permission to go with her but she refuses and told that she can have a day off which the young girl smile and headed back to see her friends.

The Goddess softly laughs at her joyful remark when she remembers it and carefully sets her mindset back to the present, roaming her eyes around the place, she knew that the event from the other day won't be its last.

A few Atlesian guards are patrolling the street and the students were having fun.

On her way to the park, she saw two familiar faces along with a girl faunus. They seem talking to each other. Y/n smiles and slowly approaching to them but she stops as soon as her sensitive ears heard something.

"Didn't you know that the road is wide and open? Why didn't you even look where were you going!". The heiress said along with a distressed voice.

"I-im so sorry!". The faunus girl bows her head many times to the heiress.

"You complete dolt! Didn't you even know how much is this? You completely ruined my favorite dress!".

"Weiss? It was an accident okay? I'm sure we can take the stain off.". Ruby said as she gently wipes the coffee stain on Weiss's white outfit.

"I-im really really sorry! I I'll try to pay the damage or I'll washed your dress for you.". The faunus girl said as she tries to help Ruby.

"Don't touch my dress!". Weiss harshly slaps the girl's hand, making her yelp and lower her dog ears down to her head.

The Goddess didn't like that action so she immediately stood up between them.

"Please settle down.". Y/n said as she looks at Weiss who's rage is visible on her icy blue eyes.

"Y/n!!". Ruby exclaimed.

"Step aside Y/n.". Weiss said as she looks at the faunus girl. "We're not done yet.".

"I heard enough so it is done.". Y/n said to Weiss and turns around to see the shaking faunus in front of her.

"Its alright.. I'll take care of it.". She smiles and reassures the girl, making her smile a bit and whisper the words "thank you" before running away from them.

"What? Why did you even let her leave!". Weiss said while glaring to the Goddess.

The Goddess slowly turns her gaze on Weiss and spoke calmly. "Because she didn't intend to do it. Like Ruby said, it was an accident.".

"But she had to pay for what she's done!".

"She already did.". Y/n sighs and gently held the heiress hand, making Ruby a bit jealous. "She even apologies from the bottom of her heart.".

"Yeah..I think she said sorry multiple times earlier." Ruby added.

Weiss icy blue eyes widens and she harshly shook Y/n's hand away and glares to the two of them now.

"Why did you two defended that..thing!". Weiss shouted to them.

"Weiss...". Y/n looks at her with a serious look on her eyes. "She's not a thing, she's also a living one like the rest of you.".

"I don't care! They always ruin everything! And because of them.. I suffered more than a child could even bare!". Weiss said as she quickly run away.

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