When the Goddess of Light and Darkness made a mistake just to save a woman who stood up against her brothers. She's been casted out into the realm of the gods and sent her to Remnant where her astral body is trapped inside of a human-vessel as a pun...
I am going to publish one of my concepts which is primarily based from RWBY. I know everyone knew this well and I'm gladly wanted to say that I'm going to alter some chapters to make it..unpredictable and have a different story flow than the original one.
I'll cut this mushy chit chat of ours and go straight down to the details about our special heroine;
Semblance: ????
-Ein/Y/n'ssemblanceis yet unknownandnotdetermined by whattypeor element itisdueto her ways of using itineveryaspectshewants. ButOzma/Ozpinpartially guessedthathersemblanceisoutofhumanity'sknowledgeandit maybemore powerful and terrifying than to herbrothers.
The God of Light -ElderBrother
Ozmaor Professor Ozpin - Guardian
James Ironwood -Guardian/Human father figure
Personal Emblem: (What'swiththedoubleyinandYangdragonsymbolifyou're wondering? Well..Ein/Y/nisaGoddessthatwieldsthepowersofbothlightand darkness. It also represents her two completely opposite brothers..)
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