Chapter One

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After taking down those Nevermores, we specifically arrived in Vale at evening which isn't the exact time of my arrival. I sigh knowing what will happens next once I step out in my airship so I readied myself for her loooong preachings and scoldings for arriving late. My escort atlas soldiers opened up the hatch and once they secured the area, one of the guards gesture his hands for me, signing that the place is secured. Ugh.. James is really a worrywart mortal..isn't he?

I straightened my composure, step out of my airship and went to the slight pissed Glynda who's waiting at the docks.

"I'm pretty sure you that you have a valuable excuse for arriving in such a late manner Ms. Ironwood.". Glynda said as her arms crossed on her chest and rhythmically tapping her heels to the ground.

"Well..While we're taking our smooth flight all the way in here, we've been surprisingly being assaulted by a swarm of full grown Nevermores and it took us a while to ward them off .". I said and looked up to my airship that looks like a damaged thin can due to the long scratches and deep dents within it's whole body.

Glynda looks at me with a shocked expression and said " And you didn't report nor send a distress signal to us?".

Within my hand gesture, one of my escorts walked towards me, hand a huge collar device and show it to her. "I did. Thrice, but no one's answering. Not until now and I believed this is the one who interrupted the communications earlier.". I gave it to her.

"By the looks of it, it must be a signal jamming device. *Sigh* You're father won't like this news later.". Glynda said and gave it back to me. "Let's go, Professor Ozpin is waiting for you at Beacon.". She added.

"Um..Professor Goodwitch? I know this isn't the right time to ask this but if i may, Can I have a quick stroll in Vale before going in Beacon?". I said and she just sent a sternly glare to me.

"You can do that some other time, Professor Oz-..".

"Please?". I plead with a puppy dog eyes that I've recently learned from Marrow's fuzzy actions.

There is a minute of starring...more like glaring contest before Glynda sighs in defeat and nod. It truly works? Huh..I didn't expect that but yes!

"You only have an hour to walk around in Vale.". Glynda said as she pulls out her scroll tablet and contact Ozpin.

"Thank you, Professor Goodwitch.". I chirped and tell to my escorts that their mission is now over and they've done a wonderful job.

The soldiers salutes to me before flew back in Atlas with my airship while me..I eventually teleport into the streets of Vale to wander around and my eyes saw a dust shop who's still open at this late hour.

I entered the dust shop and an old man greets me with a smile, I smiled back and ask if they have some lightning energy stones. He nods and showed a crystallized yellow stones cut in small rectangular and diamond sizes. I take one box and pack the crystals on a small briefcase when I noticed a small booth within the corner of her shop.

"Excuse me, mind if I take a little sneak peak in there?.". I point the booth to the old man and he nods again. "Thank you.".

I walked and see that there's a bunch of CDs, books about music, sheet music that can be used in battles and etc. I was going to grab a CD when a girl with the red hood is going pick it up too, avoiding any contacts with strange mortals. I swiftly take my hand away and took another CD. She notices it and looks at me with a confused expression.

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