3 years later

47 3 1

I still haven't found Charlie but I have a gut feeling I will soon. I haven't had a girlfriend in 3 years and I won't till Charlie is in jail.
As I walk on Lily's old street I see her. I can't believe it I saw her. Am I going crazy? This can't be real life. Lily walked up to me and says "Kyle?" in her sweet voice that I missed so much. "Yeah, that's me." I replied with complete shock on my face."I'm sorry, I didn't see you sooner I didn't finish healing and taking physical therapy till a year ago and your parents said you left and weren't sure where you went. But I'm here now, with you."

"I can't believe it you...you're.....you're actually here." I stuttered like an idiot.
"Yeah I didn't die... I mean I did but the doctors brought me back and you left before it happened."
I couldn't help myself I grabbed her face and kissed her with all of the love and passion I had in my body. All of the love of three years built up into one single kiss.

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