Back To Love

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Two months later.

"Come on Normani I'm right here"
Beyoncé said as she walked back into the room.

Normani cried every time she didn't see Beyoncé or if she got put down.

Normani got off the bed and ran to Beyoncé crying.

"I'm right her baby" Beyoncé said as she picked up Normani.

Beyoncé was packing her and Normani things.

Tian came and busted in they room at 5:00 in the morning.

Tian told Beyoncé they had six hours to get out of her house.

Beyoncé called the judge and she happily said yes.

Beyoncé felt so bad intruding in on the judge but this was for her baby.

It was now seven and Beyoncé had half they things packed.

She knew Normani was still sleepy that's why she want stop crying.

Beyoncé cleaned the bathroom once all her and Normani things was out of it, just leaving Solange things.

Beyoncé cried knowing she had to leave Solange.

Beyoncé took all the sheets and blankets.

Their clothes and other things they needed.

Once everything was done Beyoncé waited on the Judge.

"Do you got someone to get you cause I ain't giving you no money" Tian said as she walked into the room.

Normani saw Tian and started to cry and crawl to Beyoncé.

Beyoncé picked Normani up and looked at Tian.

"Yes I do" Beyoncé said.

"Will you got two hours or all your shit going out the door" Tian said then left.

Beyoncé shook her head and sat down on her bed.

Normani didn't speak anymore not even Mama.

Beyoncé don't know why but she don't press Normani to talk.

An hour passed and Beyoncé went to sleep along with Normani.

Beyoncé phone was ringing which woke her up.

"I'm outside" the judge said.

"Here I come I got a lot of things" Beyoncé said.

"I bought a moving truck you good" the judge said.

Beyoncé smiled and hung up.

Beyoncé walked downstairs and out the front door to put Normani in the car.

"Oh she a baby baby" The judge said.

"We gonna go get her a car seat" the judge said.

"No it's fine" Beyoncé said as she laid a sleeping Normani in the car.

"No imma go get her one, you family now" The judge said.

"Let's go get your shit so you can get out of here" She added.

Beyoncé laughed and the judge followed Beyoncé in the house.

"So this who going with, who is she?" Tian asked.

Beyoncé didn't say anything just kept going upstairs.

"Everything in here that's in bags and suite cases" Beyoncé said.

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