10 - Plan recruit spiderman is in action

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As I walk into the living room, Clint and Natasha are standing off to the side in a very conspicuous huddle.

"But if he is really leaving the team then we need to find someone to replace him," Natasha said in a hushed voice.

"We don't know anything for sure Nat!" Clint said loudly.

"Hey," I said, coming up to Natasha and Clint. "I heard you talking about replacing someone. What's going on?"

"That's the problem. We don't know, but Fury suggested we recruit another person because apparently, Steve doesn't want to live with us anymore."

"What?! Why?"

"We really don't know, but I think it's because he's just tired of all of our shenanigans.

"You should recruit Spider-Man," I suggested.

"Why?" Tony asked. "He literally shoots sticky stuff out of his wrists and wears blue and red spandex."

"You're not the one to talk Stark, you wear a red and gold titanium suit," Steve said. "And I'm not tired of you guys, all I said is that sometimes you guys give me migraines from all the yelling."

"We don't yell that much!" Clint said loudly.

"Bullshit," Natasha said. "Just yesterday everyone was yelling at Tony."

"That's because he accidentally set the kitchen on fire." I defended.

"How did we get from Spider-Man to how Tony set the kitchen on fire?" Steve asked. "I think recruiting Spider-Man is a great idea."

"Nooooooooo!" Tony yelled and they began to bicker.

"I'm going to go..." I whispered and walked away.

The plan is in action

What plan?

Plan get-spiderman-on-the-avengers

Wait you're actually doing that?


I thought you were joking
I mean thank you
I'll keep a lookout for them

Anyways, do you wanna come over tomorrow?
Steve, Sam, Rhodey, Pepper, and a couple more people have to go to shield for something
So you can just meet like Nat, Clint, Tony and Bucky
They're cool

I'd love too
But we have to find a way how I know that you're an avenger

I'll just wing it
Don't worry



Wow, today is not going the way I expected it. I mean, I'm not complaining, finding out that I might end up on the Avengers in the future, and I'm meeting them tomorrow is amazing, but I wasn't expecting that when I woke up this morning. Plus today was the first actual cold day we've had in a while, so I actually wore a long-sleeved shirt for once. I'm glad I'm not growing anymore because I would not have any warm clothes. But I do need to ask May for a new pair of jeans since I only have one pair without rips, and that definitely won't last me through the winter.

I stuffed my textbooks into my bag, which I'd been using for who knows how many years. The bottom had unremovable stains, the zippers got jammed sometimes, and believe me, Flash noticed it. He also noticed the small hole in my converse, the once-white-but-now-grey laces, and the absence of traction. Sure it would be nice to get some new things, but I don't need a Supreme shirt that costs like 100 bucks, or $2000 Air Jordans, I just want non-stained pants, or not worn-out soles on my shoes.

"Hey, Peter," Ned said when I came out of my apartment. "What's up?"

"Not much." I said, "it's getting kinda cold now."

"I know!" He said. "Mom pulled out the bin of our winter stuff."

"Wow," I said.

"Can you come over tomorrow after school?"

"I have plans, sorry," I said.

"Plans?" He asked. "With who?" I opened my mouth to respond, but he beat me to it. "Right, not any of my business."

"Just Kate," I say.

"Nice," He says. "We've still got homework so I guess just MJ and I will do it."

"Okay." Is he trying to make me jealous?


"So," Kate said as we walked to her house. House isn't the correct word, tower? Mansion? Palace? "I told Nat and Clint that I have a friend-" she pointed to me. "That I accidentally let slip my secret to. If you just go along with that, you'll be fine."

"Got it," I say, and wipe my sweaty palms on the sides of my pants. 

"You good?" She says.

"Yeah," I say, reassuring her and myself. "Just a bit nervous."

"Why?" She asks.

"Because they're the Avengers!" I say loudly and a couple of people walking by shoot me a glance. "Because they're so cool! And I was like, 5 years old when Iron Man saved me, so I can be a little bit nervous. I would be dead if he didn't blast that robot thing out of the way." Dead like my parents. I think as she leads me into the busy lobby of the Avengers Tower.

"Hello, Miss Bishop." A voice says from above, causing me to jump a little bit. "Welcome back. Should I tell your labmates you're here?"

"Sure." She says. "This is Peter, I'm going to be showing him around the labs, he might end up working here someday."

"That's great, I'll let them know now." She pauses for a second. "Eventually, Mr. Parker will need a long-term guest pass if he ever decides to see your labs again, but for today, he will have a touring pass."

"That's great FRIDAY." Kate says and quickly walks through the metal detector, and I follow her. "This way's the elevator." She says and leads me towards it. As soon as we get in, she lets go of a heavy sigh. "Oh, that went well."

"What was with FRIDAY and how she mentioned you work in the labs?"

"Oh yeah," She says, "When Clint and I finally decided I would live in the Tower full time, we decided to make it look like I was an intern so no one would suspect a teenager just waltzing into the Avengers tower every day. So we have various codes, like letting my labmates know I'm here is code for letting the Avengers know I'm home, and showing someone around the labs is code for bringing this person up the penthouse. We first needed it when Sam decided to bring his sister here to meet everyone."

"Ah," I say as the elevator continues to go upwards. "Makes sense."

"And a 'long-term guest pass' is code for a family pass." She continues as the elevator slows down and we get out. "Hey!" She yells out. "I'm back."

"Great!" A voice says. "I'll be right over." almost immediately, a redhead turns the corner.

"This is my friend." She gives a small wave.

"Hi," I say. "I'm Peter. Peter Parker."

"Hey, Peter Parker," She says with a smirk. "I'm Natasha."



I'm sorry it's been so long, but here's another chapter. Anyways, idk if you've seen Hawkeye (I won't spoil anything, don't worry) but I'd just like to remind people that I wrote this (and have planned the ending) before Hawkeye came out, so I'd just like to apologize if Kate is a little OOC.


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