Predetermined Path (Irene Adler, aka Destiny)

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Irene Adler stood silently near the edge of the small clift, staring down at the waves down below. Her mind was still processing the fact that she had been dead and had been revived just recently. But her powers worked even when she didn't want them to, making her see every single detail of what was to come. So she just stayed still, admiring the view on her own.

"Yeats said that to be old was to be a paltry thing. A ragged coat, hung on a stick" Irene commented, hearing the ruffles of the tall grass. So she glanced back and saw the beautiful body of her adopted daughter, Anna Marie. But she didn't move from her position just yet, she was still thinking over her new purpose in life and what was keeping her alive, even when Selene's magic had run out by now. "I would have liked to hear his thoughts on being dead"


"I know, Rogue. And I don't mean to be maudlin" Destiny interrupted Rogue, now shifting her body slightly so she could see Rogue directly into her eyes. Irene had a small smile, which was covered by the metallic golden mask when she saw her adopted daughter have a sad smile on her face. "On the contrary. I was standing here counting my blessings"

And she really wasn't lying when she told her that. It had been a miracle that something beyond her comprehension was leading her on a new path in life. And while it hurt her deeply in her heart, she had to leave her past in the past. Because her future had already been told to her and it was so very beautiful, something she thought she would never have with anyone else apart from Mystique.

"The only thing I regretted about my first death was not being able to say goodbye to you" Irene could see just how the green eyes of her adoptive daughter began to grow teary, making Irene sigh slightly as her mask hid away her smile. Irene even felt when Rogue placed her hand on her shoulder, a sense of familiarity running through her as she remembers when Rogue tried to reach to her shoulders when she was younger. "Selene's scheming has given me the chance to put that right"

"Then... You won't stay?" Irene had to lower her face when she heard just how this was affecting her daughter in all but blood. A mother would never want to see her child with such a broken tone, and she was no exception. It deeply cut through her heart, her body growing slightly colder but even she knew that her namesake could never be defied.

"While I would love to stay here with you, I have my own destiny to fulfill" Irene raised her face once more, looking at Rogue with fond eyes. She was really not going to tell her that she should be already dead, it would destroy her. But she could always say a little white lie, something that she knew Rogue would understand. "And my destiny is far away from here..."

"But... There's so much Ah've to tell you about mah life" Irene chuckled softly. She brought her gloved hand towards Rogue's cheek, who immediately began to nozzle on it softly. Their moment was running short, and Irene knew that her destiny would come soon or later. She had seen many variations of her destiny, and all of them ended the same way. "What's happened to me..."

"I've seen it. What was, and what's to come" Irene said, rubbing her thumb on her adopted daughter's cheek. It was not the only life she had managed to see, because she had also seen Raven's life and her own. While separated from each other, she could see that the two of them ended up happy, even if fate didn't want the two of them to be together. But it didn't mean that she would forget about everything she had experienced with Raven. She was one of her true loves. "And I always knew you'd make me proud, Rogue"

"Do you really have to leave?" Irene nodded her head at the question. It was her destiny to be fulfilled, she had seen everything that would happen. And she could admit that she was actually looking forward to living that future.

"It is my destiny, Rogue. Just as your own destiny lies within you. You just have to find it'' Irene whispered softly, her eyes letting out a hidden tear as she hugged her adopted daughter. She felt the strong grip of her daughter on her back, a grip that let her know that she didn't want to let go. But Irene knew that she was going to let go eventually, so she just enjoyed the hug to the fullest.

"Ah love you, mom" Irene smiled, hugging Rogue even harder than before thanks to those simple words. It meant so much to her to hear her say those words, and Irene knew that she would never get tired of hearing those words.

"I love you too, Rogue. With all of my heart. As much as I love my dear Raven" Irene reciprocated her daughter's love. But she knew that she couldn't tell her about the new life she was about to have, but it wouldn't matter in the end. Everyone will know sooner or later and all she had to do was wait until the right moment. "I'll be going now... Stay here and enjoy the sunset. It's going to be beautiful"

And with that, Irene Adler began to walk away. She was beginning to walk towards her namesake, towards her destiny. Because she couldn't run away from it, as she had been bound to that man as soon as she had been revived by Selene.

Time Skip

Irene was walking with a purpose in her life. It was close to the moment of truth, the moment where the two of them would officially meet. She was slightly anxious, worried about her appearance to his eyes. But imagine her surprise when she took off her garbs to put on more civilian clothings, she didn't have any wrinkles on her body and her beautiful blonde hair was back, instead of her more silverish hair color.

Her heel clicked through the pavement, making everyone stop walking just to admire her beauty. She felt as if she was still living on her time. But none of what anyone else commented on was affecting her. She just needed to find him, to see his face more clearly and be able to have that beautiful life she had been waiting for so long.

"Where was it again? Wasn't he supposed to-" She was rudely interrupted when someone collided with her. Her eyes widened in surprise as she could see everything more clearly. The moment had arrived and it had caught her off guard. One of her heels had broken upon the physical contact, making her twist her ankle and begin to fall to the ground. But someone caught her before that, someone that she had been waiting for.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. Here... Let me help" Itene could see the messy brown hair moved with the wind as his hazel eyes concentrated on her injury. It made her feel loved, not because of her powers but because of who she really was. Many men had tried to woo her in the past because of her powers, with only her dear Raven being able to truly conquer her heart. But the man she was destined to be with was already on the way to reaching the same feeling she still felt for Raven. "Name's Peter. Peter Parker. I'm going to take you to my apartment to get a real look at your ankle, alright?"

"Thanks, Peter..." She let herself be carried by the strong and handsome man that had collided with her. She could feel every muscle in his body, a remarkable sight to see in such a young adult. And she really was feeling like the most important woman in the world, and all because of the attention she was receiving from Peter.

"And... What's your name?" Irene looked forward, seemingly ignoring the man but she heard him as clear as day. She was just enjoying the environment around her, taking everything in before she had to leave for their new home they were going to get in about five years. She could already see her whole family reunited in one place, enjoying everything that life brought them.

"Irene... Irene Adler" She stated as she looked towards the distance. She knew that she had reached her destiny, and she was actually wanting to keep it as close as possible. Because she didn't want to lose it... lose him from her grasps.

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