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"Dylan, what if they dont like me?" Lavvie asked for what seemed to be the millionth time. She had her hands clung onto Dylans arm as they walked up to the sidewalk to his childhood home. It was two days before Christmas and Dylan's family had invited the couple to spend the holiday with them. Lavender having yet to meet his family, she was extremely scared, it didn't help that she was also carrying their grandchild. Though her stomach was not big, she was starting to show.

"Baby, they'll love you." Dylan assured her, kissing her forehead before pressing the doorbell. Almost instantly the door swung open, revealing a man and a woman who both equally reminded her of the man she was clung to.

"Dylan! Oh, I've missed you!" Lisa immediately leaped to hug her son, embracing him tightly in her arms. Lavvie let go of Dylan's arm, now standing awkwardly beside him. "You must be the famous Lavender! Its so great to finally meet you!" Lisa exclaimed once she'd let go of Dylan, only to hug Lavvie.

"Its great to meet you too, Mrs. Obrien." Lavvie said kindly, slowly pulling back from the woman.

"Oh please, its Lisa, and this here is Pat." Lisa introduced them, Lavvie smiled with a simple nod, too nervous to say much else. Dylan noticed his girlfriend discomfort and interlaced their fingers, following his parents inside the home.

"You have a beautiful home." Lavvie told her honestly, making a mental note to ask for interior advice for the home her and Dylan were about to buy.

"Oh, thank you hun." Lisa smiled, walking into the kitchen. Lavvie couldn't help but notice the excitement radiating from Dylan, she knew he'd loved his family and to be able to see that first hand was amazing.

"Wheres Juls?" Dylan asked, pulling out a chair at the kitchen table for Lavvie to sit before sitting as well.

"She should be here soon, I asked her to stop at the store." Lisa answered, she'd been in the middle of cooking dinner when they arrived. The smells both made Lavvie grow hungry and nauseous. She leaned her head against Dylan, his hand rubbing against her knee to comfort her.

"Lavender, would you like some wine?" The woman asked, Lavender wanted to groan out knowing she'd have to decline the wine that sounded amazing.

"No, thank you." Lavvie answered, frowning a bit.

"Awh, really? Do you not drink?"

"Not anymore." Lavvie answered.

"Why not?" Lisa questioned, pouring herself a glass.

"Mom." Dylan whined, trying to get the woman to stop questioning his girlfriend. Its not that he didn't want her to, he just knew Lavvie couldn't give a good reason without lying.

"I'm just curious." Lisa defended herself.

"Its okay, I've just decided that I shouldn't drink anymore." Lavvie answered the woman, nudging Dylan slightly for being rude to his mother.

"Few too many bad nights?" The woman joked, making Lavvie laugh with a short nod.

"Something like that." She answered, her attention going to the door as she heard it open.

"Awh no! You beat me here!" Julia stated when she saw her brother and his girlfriend sat in the kitchen. "Lavvie, I haven't seen you since Dylans birthday." Julia said, going to hug the girl, Lavvie stood to wrap her arms around the other excitedly. She'd only met Julia once but loved her to death.

"Its like I'm not even here." Dylan complained, causing the two girls to purposely ignore him.

"You look great, you're literally glowing." Julia complimented, eyeing the girl who began to blush.

"Doesn't she always look great?" Dylan asked, going to grab his girlfriends side only for Julia to pull her closer. "You can't just steal my girl." Dylan told his sister who let out a short laugh.

"Lavvie, can I steal you?" Julia asked Lavvie, side eyeing her brother who had a look of annoyance that horribly hid his forming smile. He honestly didn't mind, he loved that his sister had taken a liking to his girlfriend.


While Lisa continued making dinner, Julia and Lavvie helped her. Dylan and his dad sat in the livingroom, shouting at the TV as they watched an old Mets tape. It was hard for Lavvie not to tell the two women that she was pregnant, especially with them making jokes about the couple having a baby.

When dinner was finished and the table was set, they all took their seats, enjoying the peaceful family meal together. The pair had planned to tell them that night, while they opened presents since the couple had plans on the actual Christmas day. The closer it got to dinner being over, the more anxious the couple grew.

By the time dinner was over, theyd grown sick with anxiety. They'd had what they thought would be the cutest way to announce the pregnancy in a gift box. It had been Dylan's idea, and as much as he was excited to tell his family, he was scared.So when they'd all started to open their presents, Dylan ran out to the car to get the last gift.

"Okay, you all have to open this one." Dylan said, handing the gift to his mother who stared up at him with confusion. He took his seat next to Lavvie and she squeezed his hand with a smile.

"Open it, open it!" Julia exclaimed, leaning over her parents as her mother slowly opened the box. The three were confused as they pulled out the small onesie, reading what it had said.

"Your Christmas present is coming late this year?" Dylans dad read, utterly confused. Julia was the first to realize and she immediately turned to her brother in shock.

"Holy shit!" She squealed jumping up and running over to the couple.

"Oh my- this isn't a prank of yours, right?" Lisa asked, tears pulling in her eyes. Patrick was sat in shock, a smile slowly growing on his face.

"No, mom, its not a prank." Dylan said with a proud smile, Lavvie just cupped her stomach trying not to cry herself.

"This is amazing!" Julia exclaimed, hugging Dylan tightly.

"Im so happy for you." Lisa said, holding back her sobs. Dylans smile fell when he saw his mother's reaction and pushed away his sister to go over to her.

"Mom? You're not upset, are you?"

"Of course not, I'm insanely happy. My little boy is growing up." Lisa cried, embracing her son. "And I love Lavender, I'm so happy for both of you."

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