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Dear Luke,

Remember when you kissed me the second time? We were sitting in your room and it was your 18th birthday. You were having the guys over later that night but you just wanted to hang out in your room with me for a while.

I pulled out your present that was wrapped in silver wrapping paper and I handed it to you. You looked confused on why I got you a present. I encouraged you to open it and you did, achingly slow. It revealed a scrapbook of pictures of us, starting when we first became friends in 7th grade until up to a few days ago. You looked up at me, your face over joyed. You gave me a big hug and we looked at all the pictures, laughing at the memories. When we finished looking at it you looked up to me, bringing your lip ring in between your perfectly white teeth.

"Cas, I love this. It's great." You said, putting the book next to you. "I know one way to repay you." I look at you confused. I didn't know what you were thinking. Before I knew it, you were bringing your lips to mine and I take a sharp breath in. We make contact and I feel the butterflies I always feel when I'm with you. You pulled back and looked at me, smiling.

"I've been waiting to do that again for so long," you admitted.


"The first time I did that, I felt so many sparks. Once I continued kissing Laney, it didn't feel the same. I've been waiting to kiss you again."

When you said that, my heart could almost burst. I was so happy. I kissed you again and we spent the rest of the night talking and kissing until the guys came over.

I miss giving you presents on your birthday and getting kisses. I wish I could go back to this day again.



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