Judgement Day

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Often, William found himself in pain. Whether it be a small ache, a headache, or a stomach bug. He could never understand what was wrong with him, and with no doctor in sight, he suffered alone.

William used to enjoy playing sudoku. He used to spend hours on such puzzles as time went by. Julie used to adore his fascination for such a simplicity. 

In the post-apocalyptic days, there were no screens, no video games, nothing. So people had to resort to brain games such as sudoku to pass time. William had a whole book of sudoku, and during his free time he would open up a page. Yet after everything that went down, he couldn't get himself to concentrate on his hobby anymore. The game was just numbers to him now. It was just a way to buy him some time.

He spent most of his days on his mattress, resting on his side. He slept all day and was awake for a few hours every night. He was always tired, no matter the amount of sleep. Every task was impossible for him to complete.

William looked up at the well-dressed man in front of him. The man held a diary in his hands as he listened to William. Will hadn't had anyone to talk to in a while, so when he was confronted by someone, he was not sure how he was supposed to behave. His phone started to ring and it attracted Will's attention.

"That is all the time we have for today, Mr.William" The therapist spoke as he stood up. "I am hoping that I can get to know you better throughout the next few sessions. I am only here to support you, but I will be needing your input for that. So let's talk about your partner next time, shall we?" Will nodded as the therapist grabbed a pen to take notes. "What is her name?"

"Her name was Julie."

The End

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