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         The expression on Ibinabor's face was priceless. She opens and closes her mouth, gasping. Wealth, who thought it was a big dream, stared at Jordan and Goriola in the doorway. That was when it dawned on him. They had forgotten to lock the door.

Jordan looks at Ibinabor, who appears rattled. The look on Wealth's face was priceless. The guilt was clearly visible on his face.


  Friday is officially the least hectic day for SS2A students. They had only three subjects. With lots of free time. Their closing time was 1:30 p.m. Prep begins from 4 pm-6 pm. Then social night begins from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

  April was never comfortable at social nights, so she sat in the back row with Dumlesi and Science. Perhaps the fact that they were always late should be considered.

  When Mr Azeez, the Further Maths teacher, enters the room, the class falls silent. Mr Azeez is a tall, slim man with excellent fashion sense. To April, he was the hottest teacher at school. He was very handsome and serious-looking. He does not take nonsense; everything he says in class comes from his book. He never jokes with his students. They always let him have his way because they knew he was a no-nonsense person.

"Grab your notebooks, and let us get to work!" Mr Azeez says. When the students greet him, he responds quickly and walks directly to the board.

April opens her bag and takes out the note. In less than a minute, Mr. Azeez begins teaching. Everyone seemed to pay attention. Why wouldn't you listen? Even those who did not understand what he was saying had the most serious expression on their faces. You would have no idea they did not understand anything.

"God, am so pressed," Science complains to the the hearing of April.

"Take excuse and leave!" April advise.

"He won't,"

"Both of you, get up!" Mr. Azeez cuts Science off.

April and Science look up, wondering who he is talking to. Mr Azeez glared at them directly. You could hear April's heartbeat.

"What is your name? Mr Azeez refers to science.

"Science, Chuku, Sir!" Science responds.

"I see you enjoy talking. "Come out!" Mr Azeez says, while Science wonders silently why he asked her to step out.

"You go over to that seat." Mr. Azeez points to a girl in the front row. "Now, you come here!" Mr. Azeez says. April could not believe what she was witnessing. They were switching seats.

"Excuse me!"

April looks at the person in front of her, stunned. She moves away silently. While Tibiebi walks in.

Within a few minutes, everything is back to normal. Mr Azeez begins teaching. April looks at the board awkwardly.


  April who seemed engrossed in her notebook, suddenly looks up. The shock on her face couldn't be hidden.

Nimi who sat carelessly on her desk had this smile on his face.

"A penny for you thought!" Nimi says.
Making, April smile.

"How long have you been there?" April asks. Nimi smiles.

"April, please pass me your further maths notes!" Light says casually. April hands it over to him.

"Thanks!" Light mumbles.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐋 1 [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now