Control: The Beginning

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"I can make any type of record I want...that's the whole thing...I can make any type of picture I want...I sit there and think of that all the time. And I try to instill that in any act I ever worked with...You can do anything you want." - Prince

Prince POV

It's the next morning as I suddenly open my eyes. I sat up to look over next to my left side, and Janet wasn't laying in my bed anymore. I looked at my clock and it said 6:05 am.

I hope I didn't make her feel anything in the wrong way. I was caught up in the moment.

I rubbed one of my eyes and got out of the bed. I walked inside my personal bathroom and took a hot shower. After about 15 minutes of showering, I walk out and wipe myself dry.

After wiping myself dry, I grabbed my silk blouse to wear loosely. Then I grabbed a pair of black bell-bottom jeans. I looked in the mirror and dried my wet hair with the towel I have. I then leave my room and proceed to go to the room where I have Janet staying.

I quietly open the door and peep inside her room. Fast asleep just as I thought. I don't wanna wake her. I'll see her for a little bit for breakfast. My stylist better be downstairs. I always need to look good every day.

I walk downstairs and proceed my way to go to my salon.

After about an hour of getting my hair blow-dried and straightened, I went into the kitchen and I saw that it just turned 7:10 am on the microwave. Welp, I'm gonna choose to make my favorite for breakfast. Pancakes and my special scrambled eggs.

The aroma of the cooking probably smelled through the building because Janet is coming into the kitchen.

"Sleepyhead finally awake now," I joked as I took this one pancake off the stove.

"Very funny. I didn't think someone like you could cook," she takes a seat at the island counters.

"Lot of things people don't know about me. I just expect to be treated as human. Hungry? I hope you're in the mood for pancakes."

"Yeah. They smell really good."

I set her plate with pancakes and eggs in front of her and pass her the syrup. "Hey, about last night. I didn't mean to do any -"

"No, it's okay. I think we were both caught in the heat of the moment and it didn't mean much to each other."

"Oh okay. Then from there on, it's strictly business."

She shook her head in agreement. "Are you gonna tell Susannah?"

"No. It's best that I don't. I have enough problems trying to keep her around." I grab two glasses for us from the cupboard.

"Why? That's your girl. You should be loyal to her."

"Wise little one. But I choose to do things my way and handle things my way," I make my way to the refrigerator and grab the orange juice, and then walk back to pour the juice in our glasses.

"Okay," she gave a doofus, sarcastic response.

"Just eat the breakfast," and she giggles. I watch her take a bite of pancakes with the syrup and wait for a reaction.

"These pancakes taste really good," she appeared surprised.

"Thanks. I made it specifically for myself. Since you are here, I don't mind sharing some with you," I cockily responded as I fixed my plate.

"That's sweet of you sharing," she says sarcastically. "These eggs are good too. You put curry and a bit of cheese?"

"Yup. I enjoy my eggs like that," I turn around and pour syrup on my pancakes. Then I start digging in.

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