Self Doubt

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Janet's POV

When Prince told me that he is engaged, it hurt me. I thought Prince and I were going to have a chance at least. I knew about his relationship with Susannah and how hesitant he was proposing to her. I thought that he wouldn't take that initiative after I gave him my advice. You can never guess what is on his mind.

The phone conversation has been on my mind for the past few days, and it has left me just being inside Paisley's home, watching tv, and snacking on some treats I brought from the store. I was excited about my album, but for the moment, I'm in a real funk right now.

I wonder what Michael is up to. I sigh as I sit up in my bed and reach over for the telephone. I dialed the number back home where Michael is still living.


"Hey, brother."

"Hey, Dunk. What's up?"

"I'm just calling to hear how you are doing and what you've been up to."

"I'm doing pretty good. I've been working on this new album I have planned soon."

"That's exciting. Can I listen to what you have so far?" I smile as I sound curious.

"No," he chuckles. "It's a secret. Besides, I can't have you hear what I have, knowing you're over there with ya know."

"Oh, I see how it is. Funny that you mention, but Prince is not here," I mention in a sad voice.

"Oh? Are you okay? You sound pretty down?"

"I'm okay. Just been a little sad lately."

"You can speak to me for a minute if you want. Did you get to finish your album?"

"Yes, the album is fully completed. I just have to do some more photo shoots for the album and have some people listen to it."

"Oh, then you should be excited, Dunk. Are you sure Prince didn't do anything to hurt your feelings? Because I will come up -"

"No, Michael. I'm fine. He didn't do anything wrong. He's been very helpful to me and my new album. And I don't want anything to become between you two. It's bad enough you two are already rivals to each other."

That's the last thing I want to happen is the two fight each other. I understand Mike is protective over me, but I don't need him to have beef with Prince because of me, which is why I am not telling him why I'm really upset.

"Then why are you really upset?"

I sigh, "it's just I rather not say. Let's change the subject."


"How are mother and Joseph?"

"Well, I've noticed the tension around them lately. Besides that, they have been okay."

"Let me guess, our half-sibling, right?"

"Yup. Mother told me that Joe wants the family to have a dinner get-together to meet her," I rolled my eyes as he told me over the phone.

"I don't think that is gonna happen. Definitely not with Mother."

"Well, you already know I'm not attending. Besides, I don't have time anyway. I got more important things to do."

"So you're not the least bit curious about what she's like?" I curiously ask.

"Nope," Mike says with quickness.

"Oh. Well, I'm not sure if I will be able to attend. Prince might have something for me to do anyway."

"Sis, what made you be over there with him anyway? What was wrong working on an album over here?"

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