Control: I'm Wanna Be the One

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Janet's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling a bit bothered. I just had a dream about the guys I had encountered from last night. I had them when I was about to confront them until Shabba came around. Or did I? Well, that's something I can't change.

I got out of bed, and I got in the shower to wash my hair and change into my clothes for today. After brushing my teeth and getting my hair together for the day.

I went downstairs to have a bowl of Honey Nut Toasty O's cereal. I took my bowl of cereal into the living room and turned on some cable to watch tv.

As I am watching tv, the phone rings.


"Good Morning, Janet. It's me!"

"Hey Jimmy," I said with a warm voice.

"Just checking to see how you are doing this morning."

"I'm doing okay. Just a little bothered from last night," I played with my bowl of cereal.

"What happened last night?" He asks.

"Well, a group of guys was hitting on me and I didn't like what they were saying."

"Jan, I could've taken you back to Paisley if you let me."

"I know. But I wanted to be on my own. I was going to confront them until someone defended my honor."

"Let me guess, it was the guy that asked you to dance last night."

I giggle, "right. It was very nice of him to do that, and he took me home after he told the guys to back off. But for some reason, I'm still kinda bothered by it last night. And it didn't even make it better because guess who called with an attitude."

"Was it Prince?"

"Yes, and he was asking these questions of where I was and was I with some guy. I told him that isn't of any of his concern and that he should be worried about Susannah," I puffed.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. I know he can be a pain sometimes, but he probably was trying to make sure you were safe. You are kinda his responsibility."

"I'm 19 years old. I don't need another parent trying to tell me what to do."

"I understand. But hey, how about you come to the studio and we finish recording some songs we have left."

"Okay. I'll be out soon as I get a cab."

"Alright. See you at the studio."

"Alright," then I hung up.

Later at the studio

In the middle of recording, Terry stopped me in the middle of the song. He mentioned I was singing a little off. I have to admit, the dream I had and the incident from last night still bothered me.

The second time Terry stopped me, and I walked outside of the booth to go sit on the couch. I guess I should take a break to clear my head.

"You alright mama?" Terry asks me.

"Still thinking about what happened earlier?" Jimmy mentions.

"Yeah. I'm sorry guys. I just have stuff on my mind."

"What happened last night?" Terry asks me.

"Long story short, I went home from the club last night on my own, and some dudes were catcalling me. I was about to confront them, but a friend defended me. And I had a dream about it last night as well. Then also before I went to bed, Prince was and I argued. Trying to act like he runs my life."

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