Control: Out Of The Ordinary

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Author's note: This chapter will be mentioning The Family a lot, so not to be confused I want to address who they are. If you are not a Prince fan, The Family is a band that Prince also made during the Purple Rain era. This is also the band where Susannah, with the red hair, is seen in. There will be three videos of them performing and is part of the scene I have written for this chapter. I hope you enjoy it.


Prince's POV

August 3rd, 1985

"This is a story about control...My Control...Control of what I say and Control of what I do...And this time I'm gonna do it my way. Are we ready? I am... 'Cause it's all about Control. And I got lots of it."

I jam to the rhythm of the song and gave her a cue to start singing the lyrics. This is one of my favorite tracks from her. When Jimmy wrote out the song, I was feeling the lyrics and thought this is cool and different from other female artists. This was something that not a lot of artists were speaking about. Having control of your life, identity, decisions, and just everything. When I read the lyrics, it reminded me of the moments I and Janet talked about.

This is just the early track of the record. I will have Jimmy and Terry work on it to make it clean for me. Today, I just wanted to get through recording this song because I knew the perfect sound that goes well with this. It still gives that Minneapolis sound and groove to it. It sounds like mine but not too much like mine.

Interesting she finds my music as her pleasure interest. In one of our moments of hanging out, Janet did mention to me that she always wanted to work me the members of The Time. Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, Jessie Johnson, Jerome Benton, Jellybean Johnson, and you know the rest. All of us complete the Minneapolis sound.

Hmm, I think I have an idea of a video for this song. Maybe a live performance video. That would be a good re-introduction to the music industry.

We finished up the recording. Janet steps out of the studio and comes to grab her water bottle and sits on the couch. We listen to the playback of the song and think so far the recording is good. I'm counting on Jimmy and Terry to give it their all in this recording once they finish editing.

I turn around to Janet, "How do you feel about the song?"

"I think it sounds great so far. What do you think of it, Prince?"

"I think it good. This may be something to really impress Warners," I turn round turning off the machines. "Y'all we good for today. I have to go to a meeting today. I'll work with y'all again later."

I announce to Jimmy and Terry off for the rest of the day. I drove Janet and I back to my place for the day. I have a meeting with the director I'm working with on the movie. I'm not too fond of her. She got too much of an attitude every time I want a certain dialogue changed. I want the script to capture part of who I really am. I find the gigolo part a little fascinating, but I am more of someone who grew up having a lively personality.

Later at the meeting

Mary Lambert is good at what she does, but I just personally feel she isn't understanding how Jerome and I work.

"I'm not going with this script."

"If we're gonna make a movie that takes on 1920s feel, you have to speak like this," Ms. Lambert agues.

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