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Author's Note:

Thank you so much for all of the votes!! I absolutely love writing this fan fiction and I'm so glad you guys enjoy it as well!! Feel free to leave comments if you'd like!!

TW!!!: Mentions of suicide


I turn my head "wha- ow!" someone has pulled me forcefully onto the ground away from the edge of the perch. Am I being kidnapped? Oh my god.


I hear the man who has me right in his arms yelling things like "I'm not here to hurt you" and "I was just trying to make sure you didn't jump."

I stop and wiggle out of his grip. "You thought I was going to jump?" My heart drops into my stomach, this poor man thought I was trying to jump and kill myself, he was just trying to help.

   "Yeah that's why I tackled you away from the edge. I mean what the hell were you doing standing on the edge like that reaching for the sky?! You could have been hurt!"

I finally look up and see him.

He has the same hair as the guy from the top right window. My eyes widen in surprise. It has to be him.

   "What? What's wrong, why are you looking at me like that?" He fires defensively.

I'm in complete shock. This tiny part of me is saying, the universe kept you from going here until late at night and it also ended bringing him to the train tracks. That has to be some sort of sign.

   No. No Vanna stop it. Go respond to the poor man. "Sorry, do you uh by any chance play the guitar?"

His head tilts up and his brow furrows. "Yeah, uh I actually do?" He rubs the beck of his neck.

We're both now sitting criss cross cross apple sauce facing each other, our knees barely touching.

"How did you know I play the guitar?" I want to respond but the light has shifted and I can see him now.

His skin is soft and his complexion visibly glows. His eyes are like whiskey that's been lit up with flames. His hair looks somehow better then when I saw it yesterday morning.

Everything about this man has me captivated. I wish I could put him on a display and look at him all day long.

I snap back into reality and I notice that he isn't awkwardly waiting for my answer. He's staring back into my eyes deeply.

He kind of looks ... into me?

No shut the fuck up Vanna get out of this fairytale of yours and tell him why you know he plays the guitar.

I blink and answer "I walk to University and every Friday morning I walk past the Brighton recording studio. And after a while I've noticed that on Friday mornings I always hear this music coming out of the top right window.

   And it's so fucking good, that I feel like I'm addicted to it, so I stop and sit by the tree outside and listen."

I look at him to make sure he doesn't think I'm a creep and i see a tiny smile inch up on his lips.

"Sorry you probably need to go home, I'll sum it up fast. Today I saw you through the window and you... well don't think that I'm someone who steals, but you dropped this.

I pull the pick out of my pocket and hand it to him.

He looks down and his jaw opens wide and he laughs. "You got my pick! This is some creepy fate shit or something I accidentally ran into the girl with my pick."

I smile and I want to keep talking to him forever but I can't and I already feel a terrible guilt in my stomach for making him come up here in the first place.

   "I'm so sorry for holding you up and scaring you, but thank you. Because if I was trying to jump you would have saved my life, I don't know who you are but you're a good person, just remember that."

I smile and begin to stand up and walk away. My heart aches because deep down past the little voice in my head, I really want to know this random guy who accidentally dropped his guitar pick.

   I walk down the steps.


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