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I told Wil to meet me at the train tracks by 10:30 pm. He asked why so late and I refused to tell him why.

I got there by myself at 10:20 so I could have a few moments to myself.

These past few days have been insane in the best way possible but it's also so exhausting.

I laid on the cold concrete and stared up. There were so many stars today.

I trace shapes the stars make with my fingers all the way until the sky meets the ground. ThenI do it the other way.

As I start to turn right while I trace I see Wilbur's face laying right next to me smiling.


Wilbur's POV:

I got to the train tracks right at 10:30 on the dot.

I don't know how I've ended up in this situation but Vanna does something to me and I can't explain it.

The way her mind views the world is beautiful. It makes me want to see it the same way.

I start to walk up and I don't see her. Maybe she's late? Maybe she set me up? God I really hope n-

There she is. Laying on the ground with her hand reached out towards the sky tracing little shapes.

I practically melt at the sight of it.

She still hasn't noticed me so I go lay down beside her and just watch.

Her beautiful red hair sprawled out everywhere on the ground and it's wavy from the braids she had in this morning.

Her hat keeps the top of her head looking tame but once you reach the end she looks like a lions mane.

The tint of the moon and stars makes her freckles just visible enough to notice.

God her eyes

Those eyes when she looks at the moon and the stars. They're filled with something so passionate and powerful that I think explaining it would make it seem less than the significance it holds.

She turns and sees me smiling, I don't even stop.

"Hi" she whispers with a smile.

"Hey" I force out. I can barely even talk I'm blown away by her.

"You ready?" She asks as she sits up.

"Not until I know where you're taking me".

She snatches my keys before I can even lift a finger and starts standing up. "I'll drive".

I can only laugh in response.

We get in the car and she starts driving while turning the radio on.

I look out the window and hear Christmas music turned on.

The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole starts playing.

"This is my favorite Christmas song".

We both say that at the same time and then laugh.

"What does it remind you of?" She asks me.

I think for a minute and then say,

"This is the song that plays after you get your Christmas tree and it's dark outside. Your in the car looking out the window seeing Christmas lights flash by and your parents whispering in the front seats.

The soft volume of the song and their voices mix together and slowly make you feel sleepy so you close your eyes. But you don't sleep, you just sit there and soak in the moment, because you know it's temporary".

"I like that one a lot," she says "I'll add that to my list of scenarios for this song."

"What does it remind you of?" I respond.

"Christmas in New York City. Your in your apartment and it's just started snowing. It's Christmas eve at 11pm and it's almost as if the whole world just stops for one tiny moment.

And you just sit there and feel ok because right now in this moment it's fine."

I love the way she thinks.

I love the sound of her voice it's like liquid rolling off gold.

I love her concentrated face as she drives and the way her lips smile without her even trying to.

"I like yours better" I say.

She parks the car in the middle of some street in Brighton. I can tell we're in the city side of the area because of the tall buildings.

"Vanna please don't murder me."

"I'll wait until after Christmas" She says with a giggle.

"Seriously though where the hell are we"? She's started walking up the street so I follow.

"You'll see just a little ways up."

We walk for about two more minutes and I can see we're close to where she wants to go because her smile is getting bigger.

"Close your eyes and turn into this alleyway on the count of three ok?"

"Vanna it's not Christmas yet I told you you can't murder me yet."

"Do you trust me Wil?"

Yes. Yes. 1,000 times yes.

"I trust you Vanna."

"Then close your eyes."

So I do.

I feel her gloved hand hold mine and immediately my breathing hitches.

She's holding my hand.

"Three, two, one."

I turn and then open my eyes.

In the tiny little middle of these two buildings are Christmas lights everywhere.

They cover the walls and droop from the roofs of the buildings.

There's light up candy canes that form a path out of the alley way and into a beautiful ice skating rink with a huge Christmas tree in the middle. And it's empty.

"Oh my god". I can barely talk. Because there she is in the midst of these lights smiling so big and staring with eyes so wide.

Pure ecstasy is stamped all over her face and I feel like I'm flying. Her hand is still holding mine.

"Isn't it the most amazing place ever, almost as good as the stars."

"Vanna it's- I mean wow I can't even"

"You don't have to say anything Wil, I can see it on your face. Come on let's go to the tree."

She pulls my hand to follow her so I do.

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