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Vanna's POV:

He gets back into the car and looks pissed but once we make eye contact his face softens.

He takes his hand and rests it on mine as the car begins to move.

There are tears still flooding out my eyes but I'm too tired to actually cry.

"I can't stand to see you like this". He says.

I get confused. Do I really look that bad?

"Vanna you're supposed to be a star. A bright light. I can't ever bare to see you so exhausted and scared. I'm so sorry today happened."

My heart fills back up and I squeeze his hand tighter. I'm too tired to respond back and he knows that so he doesn't wait for a response.

"You still look beautiful though."

I smile for the first time tonight. "You look beautiful too Wil". I say back.

"No, I mean you look gorgeous. You look like the galaxies created you. Vanna I mean this, you are unreal. In and out. I'm not saying this because of tonight, I'm saying it because it's true."

How did I ever get so lucky to meet him.

I'm so exhausted I can barely create the strength to open my lips and say something back.

"Shhh, don't say anything, I know." He says.

Wilbur's POV:

I get to my apartment and Vanna is fast asleep.

History really repeats itself

I admire how easily she can sleep and how she'll do it anywhere.

Her eyes are slightly scrunched and I can tell it isn't a peaceful sleep so I don't feel as bad waking her up.

I gently shake her shoulder until I see her nose scrunch up a bit.

Her eyes lightly flutter open and I watch her mind regain consciousness.

"Hey," I whisper.

"Hi", she barely says back.

"Ready to come in?"

She shakes her head.

I guide her in to my apartment with her head rested on me.

She looks surprised by my apartment but I can tell that she's way too out of it to really take anything in.

"Ok I'm gonna get your shower started," I begin to say.

"No", she says back. "I need a bath."

And when Vanna needs something, that stubborn sucker is gonna get it.

"Ok I'll turn it on, you can come with."

I take her to the bathroom and turn on the water.

I make it a bit hotter than usual because I can tell she's freezing.

As I sit on my knees adjusting the water I feel her back rest against my side.

She's so perfect.

Once it's filled up I shake her a bit just to get her fully aware.

I take her necklace off and begin to leave.

"Wil stay here. I need help".

"Vanna... are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm too tired to do it alone. I'm going to fall asleep."

So I get her into the tub and help her.

I wash her hair and stroke her hands. I lift her up to clean her back.

She's somewhat awake and tries to help when she can.

I grab her towel and help her out. She dries off a bit and we head to my bedroom.

She obviously didn't come prepared with a change of clothes or anything so I give her my tshirt and some shorts that haven't fit me in a few years.

I grab one of my combs and brush through her hair as gently as possible.

She uses the bathroom and so I wait for her laying in my bed as I start a movie.

Suddenly weight plops onto my chest and I feel arms snaking around my torso.

She hugs onto me and I can hear her lightly crying. I cling onto her right and rest my face in her hair.

"Thank you," she breathes out between muffled cries. "Thank you so much Wil."

"Vanna I would catch the world and put it in my hands for you."

We stay hugging for a few minutes and then she rolls over and snuggles into my side.

I sit up and then turn over until I'm sitting cross cross apple sauce next to her.

I grab her legs and put them in my lap and I massage her feet.

I work my way up to her calves, and then her arms and shoulders.

I can hear her breath slow down and I watch her eyes shut for the last time.

This time she falls asleep she looks like the creator of peace.

Her eyelids so calmly

Author's Note:

Although this story is Wilbur x Vanna this is not about Wilbur as his actual self.

This is a character inspired by Wilbur himself.

Consider this writing not actually Wilbur but a branch of him.

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