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Authors Note: Heeeeeeyyyyyy guys so please don't kill me for not updating in forever LOOOLLL, I was super busy over the holidays and things are starting to even out now.

I'm thinking about making a schedule of posting 3-4 times a week?? We'll see how it goes.

But as a treat to you all I have a short little chapter BUTTTT, a new character is here and I think you will all enjoy their presence for a comedic break!

Wilbur's POV:

Vanna and I made gingerbread houses, went ice skating, watched Christmas lights, binged her cheesy winter movies and I secretly kind of loved them.

Christmas was never a special holiday for me, it felt like any other day especially with the fact that I don't really see my family on the holidays anyways.

But Vanna was so enamored by the lights and the snow and the music that I couldn't help but feel how special this time of the year actually was.

It was the 23rd and I came over her flat to hang out and we planned on doing a batch or two of chocolate chip cookies.

"So, what are you doing for Christmas?" I asked realizing that we never mentioned anything about it.

She turned over to focus her attention on me and answered, "Just staying here, I was going to try and fly to the US to see my mom but it's just too crazy during the holidays" She looked a little upset but tried to hide it.

What she doesn't know is that I can already tell when she's sad no matter how big she smiles, it's in her eyes.

They looked slightly dull, not as wide and curious.

"I don't have any plans either, let's do Christmas together, if we get gifts for each other they can't be anymore than 20$ You in?"

She perked up and smiled genuinely, "you already know i'm in"

And with that she started playing Christmas music and singing around the kitchen while we tried to make cookies.

By the end of it we were both covered in flour and laughing at our antics.

"Hey I'm gonna get going, how about I come over tomorrow night and sleepover into Christmas"

She laughs and rolls her eyes "you and your sleepovers Wilbur Gold"

"I'm irresistible, and your bed loves me" I say with a wink.

"Yeah yeah get out of here" she says with a smile.

(Still Wilbur's POV)

"How am I even supposed to find a good gift for her and only have it be 20 dollars?" I say to my phone while scrummaging through some clothes at a local shop.

"Don't know big man, I'm thinking you buy her like a big ass rocket or something, now THAT would be love".

I scoff at Tommy's predictable and per usual stupid remark.

"Seriously, I need something good. Hell, why am I talking to a 17 year old about it, I need Phil".


I immediately lower my volume all the way down because of Tommy's gut wrenching screaming.

"I'm not ever going to stay on the phone with you if you scream that loud again"

"Sorry king" he whispers.

Then he gasps, "Wilbur I've just had an epiphany!!"

"Not now Tommy I need to find something or I'll be stressed out all day tomorrow."

"No it's about a gift! There's this place I saw in Brighton last time I visited where you can get a photo of your choice put into a locket, it was like 15 pounds. I'm a genius Wilbur, look up to me, call ME big brother"

"Tommy that's perfect! Oh thank God, I thought I was gonna have to settle for flowers."

"Yeah yeah I know now go to the shop I sent you the address but you have to stay on the phone with me. I'm bored".

"Whatever" I say smiling.

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