Female Eivor - Wicked Game

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Y/N was restrained, awaiting death in the middle of the camp she was in as the people around her cheered and laughed. 

Y/N L/N was a companion of Eivor-Wolfkissed, leader of the RavenClan that had begun to conquer England. Y/N joined the Clan shortly after they settled in England with her companions Hytham and Basim, her mentors who had taught her all the combat skills she knew. However, she longed to travel with Eivor as she worked to gain allies and take over England. At first, she just wanted to see what England had to offer, but she slowly started enjoying Eivor's company. An unbearable tension had grown between them the more they stood side by side.

And their travels landed them in Sciropscire with Ivarr Ragnarson, a man known for his title of 'king killer',  and Ceolbert, a young boy who accompanied the Vikingr through his own travels.

Eivor was there to establish an alliance with King Rhodri, the leader of the shire, but Ivarr had recklessly killed his brother and all hell broke loose. It's been a roller coaster doing all sorts of traveling and talking and fighting all over the place, but this was the final straw.

Ceolbert and Y/N had grown to be close as they stayed in Sciropscire. He was a kind boy, a little younger than her, lacking physical strength compared to mental intelligence, and he had such a bright future ahead of him as a future king. But now? He was dead. Slaughtered. Brutally murdered.

And everyone thought it was Y/N who did it.

The sheer terror on her face when Eivor walked into the camp with a limp Ceolbert in her hands should have been enough to prove her innocence, but it wasn't.

Both Ivarr and Y/N had rushed over to the body. Ivarr had questioned what had happened. Eivor explained that she found him in a cave. He had been stabbed with an English dagger, which Eivor had pulled out for everyone to examine.

Ivarr furrowed his brow and looked directly at Y/N, whose stomach dropped. That was her knife. Well, it looked just like hers. One that she had misplaced when they first settled into the camp and hadn't thought twice about it. How?

"Isn't that your knife, Y/N" Ivarr questioned accusingly. His eyes were so very misleading.

Eivor flicked her head up to meet Y/N's, her eyes glazed with confusion. She shot a concerned look. Explain? 

Y/N sighed shakily.

"Y-yes? But I misplaced it a while ago. I don't understand how-" She began.

"So you admit that it is your knife? One that you presumably scavenged off an English soldier, correct?" Ivarr interrupted. 

Y/N nodded and gulped.

Ivarr got in her face, taking her eyes off of the dagger. His scarred and tattooed face was even more intimidating up close,

"Maybe, you didn't actually scavenge that off of a body. Maybe, you are an English spy, who was sent here to unveil our plans and cause a ruckus. Maybe, you were the one who killed Ceolbert..."

Y/N frantically shook her head, more tears welling in her eyes. 

"No, I would never! I am just as surprised as all of you to see Ceolbert meet this fate. I cared about him like a lifelong friend, I would never do anything like this!" She exclaimed desperately to the crowd that had gathered around the group. 

Eivor furrowed her brow. She knew something was wrong. Ivarr nodded his head to two men behind them. 

They walked up and wrapped their strong hands around her arms, restraining her tightly and beginning to drag her away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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