Arno - Red Handed

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Arno had heard of the notorious thief and liar, Y/N L/N, but he never realized the compacity of her skills.

The rumors described her as a beautiful young woman, with H/L H/C hair, stunning E/C eyes, and a voice that could tempt anyone, man or woman. She was also clever and deceitful. She put the beauty she amassed to good use and would coax people in just to rob them by making them feel vulnerable and aroused.

The woman would find people, preferably rich or drunk men, and she would lead them to a shady alleyway. As far as Arno knew, she would promise her victims a special "treat." That's what usually sold most people.

Once she had them where she wanted them, she would rob them of any valuables, and leave them there without them even realizing what was happening.

Now usually, this type of thing wouldn't be a big deal. Just your typical thief. Not an assassin's problem... Until she decides to steal from the assassins themselves.

Now, of course, the woman may have not known who exactly she was stealing from, but no matter the moral behind it, she needed to be caught and apprehended. That was Arno's assignment.

Arno walked into a bustling tavern full of drunk men and women, all exclaiming and cackling, some even conflicting. A festive place, no doubt. His first agenda was to interrogate anybody who may have fallen victim to Y/N for information. Her whereabouts and whatnot.

He approached a man who just so happened to be spewing about an apparent theft that occurred the other night. He was tall and lanky with greasy hair, but he wore robes adorned with all kinds of rich fabrics and textures. An obvious casualty.

"Aye? What are you looking at?" The man spat, quite obviously under the influence.

Arno squinted at the man.

"I hear you were robbed the other night. Do you mind telling me what exactly happened? Perhaps who the culprit was?" Arno inquired, seating himself on a flimsy wooden chair across from the man.

"Ahhh yes. It was a woman. She was as beautiful as the gods themselves. She spoke to me with such a soothing voice, and she whispered promises of the future to me. She led me to an alleyway, not too far from this here tavern, and she robbed me blind. Stole my pouch she did and ran off before I could unbuckle my trousers! Wench!" The man scoffed, taking a large swig of foul-smelling alcohol.

Arno scratched his scruffy chin, in deep thought.

So she lures men with some sort of value to her, then she promises them a night of fun, but instead grants them with larceny. Clever girl. Very clever...

Arno pulled a few gold coins out of his pocket and dropped them on the table where the man was.

"Thank you for the help."

The man looked up at Arno curiously, but greedily took the coins laid out in front of him, turning his back to Arno.

So, the key to catching her is to appear to have something valuable. Shouldn't be too difficult.

Arno settled down at an empty table, removing his dark blue overcoat and exposed weapons, and sliding them gently under the table. Hopefully, nobody took notice of them.

He fluffed out the pockets of his trousers so that the loose coins inside of them were more apparent. He then waved over the bartender.

A woman with flaming orange hair walked over to him, a tray full of tankards in her hand.

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